  Public Ticket #1567305
Move Social Icons


  • George started the conversation


    Is it possible to move the social icons from the footer (Beats template) into the top navigation?  Also, can I change the size?

    Thank you.

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hi there,

    What you can do is to use one of our featured called Hot Links to have icons at the top navigation. Go to wp-admin > Sonaar Settings > Menu Options > and scoll down to Hot Links. it should be pretty straight forward to set it up.

    Tell me if it works.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • George replied

    It works great, thank you!  I do notice that they do not inherit the menu rollover colour though, any way to fix this?  And also, is there a way to resize them or do I have to resize the whole menu?



  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi there,

    The rollover color should be the same for the hotlink as the other menu items.
    Can you provide your URL?

    The icon font-size is the same as the other menu items, but you can overwrite it with this code:

    .classic-menu > ul > li.hotlink{ font-size: 20px }

    Please go to wp-admin>sonaar setting>custom css/js
    And copy the code in the custom css field.

    Of course you can change the font-size value.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew