  Public Ticket #1627097
music player autoplaying


  •  1
    Boh Dower started the conversation

    Hi, I'm having difficulty with the audio player, trying to achieve either one of two things:

    Option A:)  Is there a way to get the audio player to pop up at the bottom of the website instantly but without autoplaying? I like it to show up there in 'STOPPED/PAUSE' position, but seems the only way to get it to reveal itself is to set it to 'autoplay' or manual click / press play from the page item. Example: when user loads my homepage, they'll see the audio play at the bottom (all the time), but it won't be automatically playing anything until they click play.

    Option B:) When using the 'autoplay' feature, is there a way to stop it from 're-autoplaying' again / 'UN-PAUSING' the audio each time a new menu item is clicked on / different pages are loaded? Example: A user loads my homepage and audio starts autoplaying. The user clicks PAUSE / STOP,  everything's fine until then they click on "CONTACT" / or another Menu item up top, audio immediately starts playing again, user has to click pause again.

    With much gratitude,

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hi there,

    Sorry for the delay.

    Unfortunately, this option is not currently available. Google Chrome has changed its policy regarding the autoplay feature and we have to redevelop some features about the autoplay.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew