  Public Ticket #1738596
Slider Revolution on Mobile


  • George started the conversation


    I setup a static background image for the background of slider revolution.  It looks great on desktop.  However, I want to be able to see the far right on mobile and smaller screens, but it gets cropped out.  Is there a way to move the background image for each viewport or set the image scaling differently for mobile or something?



  •  1,115
    Max replied


    What is your URL?

    The image background will automatically adjust to the proportion of the screen. the thing is that on desktop, screen displays are landscape and the image cover the whole width. In mobile, screen is portrait so to cover the whole screen, the technic is a little bit different. It needs to be cropped somehow if you want your image keeps it proportion without distorting.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • George replied

    Ah, ok.  So is it possible to choose a different crop for mobile vs. desktop then?  It doesn't seem like I can move the background image for the different viewports.  If that is possible then problem will be solved.

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Its not possible to move a background image from the same slider on different viewports (well, its possible to do it via custom css if you know how css works..) but there is not option for that in rev slider.

    The other workaround would be that you make 2 different sliders and show/hide the corresponding slider on desktop vs mobile. It's quiet an advanced technic tho:  https://apollo13themes.com/advanced-tricks-visual-composer/

    Please note that providing custom code to customize your site is usually not covered by support as its considered personal customizations. 

    For custom works, we strongly recommend these guys: WP Kraken.

    It's cheap! And the cool thing is that if you are not satisfied with their service or they don't meet your guidelines, you will get your money back ! It's 100% guaranteed.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew