  Public Ticket #1752092
Having setup issues with player


  • Peter started the conversation

    Whenever the users click on the list view, I see a blurry image come up as though the playlist will appear; however, it doesn't come up with the additional songs. Is this a setting I need to enable? 

    Also, any idea on how to replace the default playlist from the homepage of the karbone theme?

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hello Peter,

    This issue is fix on the version 2.1


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Peter replied

    That did the trick. The only issue is that I don't know how to replace the karbones default player from the homepage to my new one I created. I was able to link up the player so that it loads when you click on "Listen Now", but when you load the homepage, you still see the default player.

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hello Peter, 

    I think you have already find the solution because I dont see the autoplay player on your homepage. 

    In the page setting, please look for the option "music player"


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Peter replied

    Yes, I ended up deleting it. 

    Thanks for the tip! :)