  Public Ticket #1757240
Themes not showing .. Uploaded wrong file? Cannot find Sonaar Settings


  • Justine Jennifer Allen started the conversation

    Not sure if I uploaded themes correctly, cannot find Sonaar Settings in WP to enter my license key .  I think I uploaded the wrong file.  Instead of trying to explain; I just made a quick video of what I am looking at.  Thank you so much!



  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hello Justine,

    Im truly sorry for the issue you have. Your video is pretty clear and Im here to help.

    You're almost there! The theme file is correctly uploaded and installed. Now, you are looking to find the Sonaar Settings menu but it's not there. What happened is we released a new version of the theme this weekend and we renammed the menu Sonaar Settings for Theme Options and we forgot to update the instruction message ! That's totally our fault and Im sorry for this.

    Thus, go to wp-admin > Theme Options > Dashboard to enter your licence key.

    For your info, we have also a live chat available at https://sonaar.io . Sometime its faster to get a answers to your questions on the live chat rather that on this help desk.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew