  Public Ticket #1780703
Player not showing the correct time left


  • Luis Ramos started the conversation


    when clicking on this episode to play it, the player in the footer appears and plays the episode but shows an incorrect time (for instance, this specific episode is 1hr 5 minutes 29 secs, but the player shows -05:29 seconds left when starts to play).

    Hope it can be fixed.

    (now I'm thinking the display does not show hours, so I should convert my episode time to minutes, right? Like 65:29?)

    Ok I'll leave the ticket here so this can help someone else. It's unclear how to define the lenght of an episode then.

  • Luis Ramos replied

    But no, I've changed the time to 65:29 and the player below still shows time left incorrectly

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hello Luis,
    We have fix this


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew