  Public Ticket #1780854
Random adjustments (possible plugin conflicts)


  • Luis Ramos started the conversation

    Final touches to the episode display of my podcast. I see this issues:

    - Comments display in a (too) narrow column. I'd like the comments to have a wider presentation. Lines are too short. The title of the the comment section itself could benefit of some more wider display

    - Footer not showing content correctly: I've set my custom footer in the footers section, and set it in the episode footer setting, but is showing something else (the contents of Thrive Architect specific content for this episode). Any ideas how to override this? (sample here: https://staging.librosparaemprendedores.net/podcast/100-despertando-al-gigante-interior-parte-2/)

    - In some other episodes with no Thrive Architect content, I get my custom footer, but I also get and extra content from the related posts plugin. Any ideas? (i.e. https://staging.librosparaemprendedores.net/podcast/034-ideas-que-pegan-parte-2/)

    - Finally, not a problem but a tip I hope I can get from you. Maybe now I can get rid of this related posts stuff... is there a way to do the same with your theme, to recommend some episodes. I'd love to have the same functionality but with thumbnails that were "playable", that I could play directly from the recommendation. Is that feasible?

    Thx in advance


  • Luis Ramos replied

    Frelecting on the footer issue, could be because the content of the footer is type "post" or looks like it, and that's why the other plugins "think" that, as a post type content, they should attach their contents?

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    May I have a login credential?


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •   Luis Ramos replied privately
  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hello Luis, 

    1- Changing the comment style is more about customization. You request is a bit beyond the scope of our support. 


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    2- About the footer. I dont understand where this come from?
    I dont see this element in the footer editor. Is this the issue you are talking about?


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Luis Ramos replied

    1.- About the comments section being too narrow, it's taken me some days to do it, but it seems this did the trick: 

    .comments-area {
    width: 80%!important;
    margin-left: 5%;
    margin-right: 5%;

    If it helps someone else, this is centering the comments section, and making it wider. 

    sample: https://staging.librosparaemprendedores.net/podcast/despertando-al-gigante-interior-tony-robbins/

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hello Luis, 

    Thanks for the video. 
    I have done some tests and I dont think the issue ise caused by the plugin "related post". I pretty sure the issue is caused by the content you have added. You have added a lot of ellements. Maybe one of those html tag is not closed. Sorry but I cant investigate the html code you have added. 


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Luis Ramos replied

    As I say in the video, the extra content is added with Thrive Architect, from Thrive Themes, the well-known editor.

    I also have the plugin related posts installed.

    I don't think the content is repeated because of an unclosed tag. That makes no sense to me.

    I believe the content is repeated because maybe there's a conflict in the code.

    In the posts where I add extra content with Thrive Architect, the footer repeats that content.

    In the posts where no extra content with Thrive has been added, the footer does not repeat the content.

    I'm putting a lot of hours... I'm just trying to make your theme work here.

    I think you should see it my point of view here.,..

    I think I've found a conflict with a well known plugin, and I'm not happy with that, because it makes my life more difficult.

    I thought I'd be installing a new theme and put some hours to fine tune it and that's it, but I find many bugs and things worth checking out, but I'm left here to my own devices.

    This theme is unusable as it is, to me.

    Let's do one thing. Is there a chance to use the player as a plugin in a different theme?

    I just bought your pack because of that functionality, as it was advertised as "all themes and plugins". I understood this player is a plugin, and I'd like to know if that's the case so I can use a faster theme and only add that functionality.

    I give up on trying to make your theme work. Is too buggy and too slow.

    There was no warning that your theme does not work with Thrive Themes content managers.

    Is it possible to use the player as a plugin at least in a cleaner environment?

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    My name is Maxime and i'm the product manager of Sonaar.

    After 30 minutes of research, me and my senior developer have found out why you have a duplicated content. 

    I dont want to be too technical here but we use "apply_filters('the_content'" to display the footer in our theme. This is the best practice provided by WordPress.org and it's the way WPBakery Page Builder (our supported plugin) work.

    The problem with page builder like Thrive, Site Pro Builder or Elementor Page builder (Yes, the issue also exist with other page builder like thrive), is that these page builders modify the content to apply their own shortcodes..and finally, it makes a conflict with the default apply_filters WP Class.

    You are not the only one to have this issue. A lot of people who use different type of plugins or themes (like, every code that use apply_filters('the_content'), along with these page builder have the exact same problem.

    Tomorrow, i will continue to investigate if there is a way on our side to fix this but I cant guarantee it.

    If you are not satisfied with our support or with the theme, do you want a refund?


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Ok, I have found a fix.

    Could you please provide me access to your FTP ?


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •   Luis Ramos replied privately
  •  1,115
    Max replied


    I have fixed your issue.



    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Luis Ramos replied

    Cool. Thx. I've already set a support request to Thrive about this issue. Is this fix something permanent or should I have to update something with each new update?

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    the fix is permanent. I have already added the fix to our theme so you will get it also in the next updates.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew