  Public Ticket #1937719
Podcast Player


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    James Dawson started the conversation

    Hi Maxime,

    I need some help to get the audio to play using the podcast player. I currently have the Castropress theme installed, and making some progress in making it ready for my application, learning lots as I go. However, I am stuck on a problem at the moment, which I have been unable to fix, as yet.

    I am unable to play any of the audio files in the podcast grid, when it loads. The audio files which came with the theme initialises the player at the bottom of the screen, but does not play the audio. I have also started adding my own audio files and made their linking post in the podcast episode section custom post type, but when I click the play button nothing happens, it does not even load the player at the bottom of the screen.

    I dont know what I am doing wrong, but would appreciate some help to get this working. The domain is located here: https://soundscapesofstirling.co.uk/

    One other issue that I am having, is that sometimes the page I have made for diplaying the recordings I make reverts to archive_podcast.php template, which means I can no longer edit that page in elementor, as it says I have to call the content. I see no reason for it to do this and is confuing me why. It happens randomly, and I have to make a copy of the page again and relink it on the menu, to get my recordings to show in page.php. Any idea what would cause this?

    Many thanks, and hope you can help me get going again.

    Jim Dawson

  •   James Dawson replied privately
  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hi James,

    It looks like a JavaScript conflict.

    Could you try something for me? Please deactivate all your plugins except Elementor Sonaar Addon, Elementor, Essential Grid and Revolution Slider then see if the issue persists. If not, please reactivate your plugins one by one and see which plugin can cause the conflict.

    Tell me how it goes.

    For the archive templates, i dont understand carefully. Why dont you use Elementor Pro's archive builder instead of all these plugins?


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

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    James Dawson replied

    Hi Maxime,

    Thank you so much for a fast response, much appreciated. I have just done as you asked, and you were spot on! It was the very first plug in on the list, Advanced Custom Fields. It works perfectly now. I wonder if that was also the issue with adding new podcast episodes also, the only way I could get the player up was to copy an existing episode and edit it.

    I dont really use all the plug ins, I'm just learning how to do this at the moment, so probably went a bit overboard, I will investigate further about the Elementor archive builder also, though not quite sure how yet.

    Thank you so much for your help, really appreciate it.

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Thanks James!

    have a nice day


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • paul replied

    Hi, is there any answer to the ACF plugin conflict??? The player stops working and the download button disappears.

    I have just created a similar support ticket. Thanks