  Public Ticket #1939257
Upload of other themes


  • Soni started the conversation

    Good Day,

    I am currently using the Skulls theme How do i upload the other Sonaar templates so I have other appearance for my other new websites.

    Second is how do i upload the social media pack or is this already uploaded in my Skullz template.

    Thank you 

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Sorry I dont quiet understand what you mean by upload the Sonaar template to have other appearance for your other new websites?

    For the social media pack, can you please send me a screenshot of what you are referring to by "social media pack" ?


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Soni replied

    Hi Maxime, 

    Maybe the question i should have asked is how do i access the other sonnar templates on my current WP site.

    I would like to try out the different templates you have for my current data base.

    Kind regards


  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hi Soni,

    If you want to check how the other theme demos looks like, you can check a preview here: https://sonaar.io/wordpress-themes/

    You can also import other theme demos (by going to wp-admin > tools > demo content install).

    Take note that when you import the demo, this completely swipe your actual content by the demo's one but it's often the best way to get started with your new design.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew