  Public Ticket #2030147
Margin + Padding issues


  • paul started the conversation

    HI, I am having some more issues.

    1. I want to remove the Menu Container Top Margin (px)
    I change it to 0px and it does not change in the code?

    2. I want to remove the Logo Padding Top (px)
    I change it to 0px and it does not change in the code?

    Please do not tell me that these options have also been deprecated and that I need to add more custom css....

    I'm sure it is just a theme options bug. fingers crossed.


  •  678
    Alexandre replied
    Hi Paul, 

    The menu container margin-top is apply on the <div class="classic-menu">, not the <div class="menu-container">


    About the logo padding top, I realize this option doesnt work anymore. We will fix this, but for now, please go to wp-admin>theme options>custom css/js and copy this code in the custom css field:

    .classic-menu:not(.responsive) .logo {
    padding-top: 0;


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • paul replied

    Hi, thanks for your reply.

    So the class="menu-container" is another manual fix with css?

    I have already change the css to something similar:

    ._podcastr_elementor .classic-menu:not(.mini):not(.responsive) .menu-container {
        margin-top: 0px;

    I thought that after all the great reviews and purchasing the Full package, that it would be a little more polished rather than me being a tester of the themes and finding that items either do not work or have been deprecated ?

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Paul, 

    Yes, you can remove the margin-top on the menu-container with the custom code css you have mentioned.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • paul replied

    Hi Alexandre, so this means that there is no simple theme option way to control the padding or the margin of the 'menu-container'?

    By changing the theme option for Menu Container - Horizontal Margin (px)  this reduces the width of the menu but it then shows the BODY background colour, and it also doesn't work when the sticky menu kicks in? The padding gets lost.

    It looks like the only way to add padding to the left and right of the main and sticky menu is by more custom css?

    Is this correct and normal.

    Lots of custom css required again. Could these tickets that I am raising be put forward for consideration in future updates? I think people would like more control from the theme options, otherwise we might as well just use a vanilla theme...


  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hello Paul

    "so this means that there is no simple theme option way to control the padding or the margin of the 'menu-container'?"

    The margin-top option works fine https://d.pr/free/i/euGXsE 
    But in the Podcastr template only, a minimun 33px is harcoded. 

    "By changing the theme option for Menu Container - Horizontal Margin (px)  this reduces the width of the menu but it then shows the BODY background colour, and it also doesn't work when the sticky menu kicks in? The padding gets lost."

    Those behavior are all normals. If you increase padding or margin on the menu container, this will reduce its width. Margin is applied outside the container. That why you see the BODY color. You have to use "horizontal padding". Padding is applied inside the container. 

    Of course, lot of those styles applied on the regular menu are not on the mini menu. This all the point of the mini menu. If you want to keep the same style, you have the option to disable the mini menu on scroll https://d.pr/free/i/ukhRcm

    Mini menu doesnt have lot setting. If you want to customize its style, yes custom css will be very helpful.  
    "Is this correct and normal." 
    I think it is.
    Sonaar "menu option" has already lot options. Of course, it is possible to add more, but maybe this will be too much. 

    Please note that we appreciate your comments and we always want to improve the experience of our customers


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew