  Public Ticket #2104122
Scrolling on Mobile Device


  • Tyrell Vaughn started the conversation

    Hi, on my mobile device, the scrolling is frustrating because it does not immediately respond.  I responds on the second attempt to scroll and I would like for it to scroll at the touch of the finger.  It really messes with the experience.  

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    Do you have the same issue with one of our theme demo? eg: https://demo.sonaar.io/downbeat-elementor

    Perhaps its a javascript conflict.

    Could you try something for me? Please deactivate all your plugins except Elementor Sonaar Addon, Elementor, Essential Grid and Revolution Slider then see if the issue persists. If not, please reactivate your plugins one by one and see which plugin can cause the conflict.

    Tell me how it goes.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Tyrell Vaughn replied

    Its WPBakery page plugin that is causing this issue.  Any know how to fix it? Also I see that WPBakery comes with the sonar package.  Is there a way I can get my WpBakery updated and the mobile response fixed?  It says to get some sort of support, I have to pay $45 and 'm hoping since Sonaar requires this as a part of the theme, I can also get this fixed.   

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    I need to investigate why WPBakery give you the scrolling issue on mobile.

    Could you please provide me access to your wp-admin and I will gladly check the issue you have.


    For the WPBakery update, the new WPBakery version 6.0 has a lot of issue (coming from the wpbakery author). We are waiting for a much more stable version before updating WPBakery in our theme.

    Like any premium themes on the market, the premium plugins that come with the theme cannot be automatically updated and you don't have access to the plugin's author helpdesk. Every time a new version of the plugin is released, we (the theme author), need to carefully test the plugin and fix issues if any problem arises. Then, we release a theme update that will include the new version of the plugin. It's the way it works with every other themes that include these plugins.

    Plugin activation & Licence keys: Sometimes, a plugin may ask for a Licence Key to "activate" it. Well, you don't need a licence key to activate or use the plugin! Licence Key is needed only to enable the automatic updates, access to premium support and some extra add-ons provided by the plugin's author.

    If you are interested into automatic updates and premium support, we recommend that you buy a personal licence of the plugin on codecanyon.net

    More info: WPBackery Page Builder: https://kb.wpbakery.com/docs/faq/can-i-update-wpbakery-page-builder-if-i-have-purchased-it-in-a-theme/

    Revolution Slider / Essential Grid: https://www.themepunch.com/faq/update-plugin-packaged-theme/


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •   Tyrell Vaughn replied privately
  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Please update your theme and plugins. you are running version 2.3 and we are now at version 4.4.1

    How do I update my theme ?

    V.4.3.1 - 2019.06.20
    - Fixed minor issues in new Music Player styling options.
    V.4.3 - 2019.06.17
    - Added 20+ new styling options in the Music Player Elementor widget for better design flexibility. Please update Elementor Sonaar Addons plugin to 1.3
    - You can now hide/remove the artwork and title on any playlist widgets.
    - Fixed the_content() not found when creating a page within Elementor Pro's Theme Builder.
    - Added an option to enable auto-play audio in page settings. By default, auto-play is now OFF in page settings.
    - Optimized code structure for better performance
    - Fixed Open in new window option in the Promo Box widget.
    - Fixed Next/Prev navigation responsive styling on the single podcast and single artist page.
    - Inversed Next/Prev navigation button on the single podcast page.
    - Added an option in Theme Options > Pagination to hide Next/Prev navigation on the single podcast and single artist.
    - Fixed Itunes and googleplay summary description in RSS feed to count 4000 caracters and excludes html tags in that count.
    - Fixed Music Player Widget that does not appear in the Elementor editor.
    - Fixed Elementor Pro's Site Logo widget.
    V.4.2.2 - 2019.05.31
    - Fixed "Hide Menu" option.
    - Fixed minor issue with the RSS feed importation.
    - Fixed logo size issue on safari and firefox.
    - Fixed the audioplayer Wave visibility issue.
    - Removed "Menu Item Hover Effect" option.
    V. - 2019.05.17
    - Fixed Audioplayer issue caused by sonaar v.4.2.1
    V.4.2.1 - 2019.05.15
    - Fixed footer overlapping issue.
    - Fixed footer issue on multisite.
    - Fixed elementor lightbox compatibility.
    - Fixed Banner issue on Safari.
    - Fixed post pagination.
    - Remove "Videos listings at most" option from the theme options
    V.4.2 - 2019.04.01
    - New theme demo available: Promote! Promote is a WordPress Theme for Record Labels.
    - Fixed unwanted scrollbar display in menu of the Magnetic Template.
    - Fixed unwanted call to the Sonaar API for Licence check.
    - Fixed Event call to action button / ahref on the front-end when not used.
    - Fixed a minor issue with Elementor Pro Popup.
    V.4.1.5 - 2019.03.13
    - Fixed mini menu logo issue 
    V.4.1.4 - 2019.03.08
    - Added "Show Soundwave" option to the Music Player widget.
    - Fixed unwanted anitmation on Play button of the Music player. - Fix the responsive logo resize animation
    V.4.1.3 - 2019.03.07
    - New theme demo available: StreamKing. Streamking is a WordPress Podcast Theme with Audio Streaming.
    - Added hover animation on the Play button of the Podcast Player to make it more intuitive.
    V.4.1.2 - 2019.02.28
    - Updated WPBakery Page Builder to 5.7
    - Updated Essential Grid to 2.3.2
    - Updated Slider Revolution  to
    - Fixed banner z-index
    V.4.1.1 - 2019.02.21
    - Added Cornerstone theme demo for Elementor
    - Fixed Sub-menu padding when the menu is set to "not fixed"
    V.4.1 - 2019.02.19
    - Now fully compatible with Elementor Pro Plugin (Header, Footer, Singles, Archives)!
    - Added CastoPress theme demo for Elementor
    - Updated Font Awesome icons library.
    - Removed black default footer background
    - Removed "Mailchimp for WP" as required plugin.
    - Fixed single Playlist template margin-top
    - Removed some unused WooCommerce CSS
    V.4.0 - 2019.02.10
    * ATTENTION: If you use the featured player in a single ARTIST page, make sure to set new colors in WP-Admin > Audio Players & Event Settings > Music Player. Now you can change the background of that player independently from the footer player.
    - Audio Player has been refactored! It's now a lot more lightweight on both desktop and mobile and allow audio streaming from different platforms. Change are listed below:  _ Now we use a real-time spectrum analyzer soundwave on the audio player in the artist single pages.  _ Mobile browser will not crash anymore with long audio tracks  _ We have redesigned the soundwave in the footer player with dynamic SVG. It's much more faster.  _ We have added an option in General Settings to Use a Real-time Spectrum Analyzer for the Podcast Players and Artist Players.  _ You can now stream audio from different platforms including SoundCloud, Icecast, Libsyn, Stitcher, Podbean., Shoutcast, Mixcloud, Buzzsprout, Simplecast, Spreaker, etc.  _ If you don't hear the audio, make sure to disable the Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer in General Settings.
    - Optimized the stylesheets to be more lightweight
    - Fixed the annoying quick flash resizing when loading an Elementor Page
    - Fixed the display of the footer when using Elementor's Blend Mode.
    - Fixed the playlist that overlapped the footer audio player when popping up.
    - Fixed the logo on mobile that not being clickable
    - Fixed a PHP 7.2 notice in WooCommerce
    - Fixed a PHP 7.2 notice in Audio Player Settings
    - Small security fix on string encoding
    - Added Indigo theme demo for Elementor
    - Added Kimchee theme demo for Elementor
    V.3.1.10 - 2019.02.01
    - New theme available: Symphony
    - Added Prodigy theme demo for Elementor
    - Fixed the theme options typography loading issue.
    - Fixed the sub-menu overlapping issue.
    V.3.1.9 - 2019.01.23
    - Added Magnetic theme demo for Elementor
    - Fixed Logo overlapping issue on mobile.
    V.3.1.8 - 2019.01.22
    - Fixed the audioplayer control issue when the "ajax continuous player" option is disable.
    - Minor layout changes to the single album template (padding, image size).
    V.3.1.7 - 2019.01.19
    - New theme available: StandUp!
    - Fixed the mini logo that did not shown up when using the dark logo mode on a page setting.
    - Fixed an issue with custom post types that use password protection.
    - Minor Security fix
    V.3.1.6 - 2019.01.15
    - Added Skullz theme demo for Elementor
    V.3.1.5 - 2019.01.11
    - Fixed issue with the mobile menu on iOS and its close button
    - Fixed minor issue with the Milend Demo Box Shadow
    - Fixed an issue with the Elementor Editor Mode. We can now easily select a section under the main menu.
    - Minor Security patch
    V.3.1.4 - 2018.12.21
    - Added Beats theme demo for Elementor
    - Added Downbeat theme demo for Elementor
    V.3.1.3 - 2018.12.19
    - Added Karbones theme demo for Elementor
    - Added Soundman theme demo for Elementor
    - Added Milend theme demo for Elementor
    - Added Responsive header transpenracy option
    - Fixed Responsive style minor issues
    - Fixed Responsive menu typography option
    - Optimisation stylesheet
    V.3.1.2 - 2018.12.14
    - Fixed sub menu color issue
    V.3.1.1 - 2018.12.13
    - Added Studio theme demo for Elementor
    V.3.1 - 2018.12.12
    - New look and feel for the Mobile Menu. Slicker design with smooth animations. Check our demos.
    - Added an option to have a dedicated logo for the mobile menu.
    - Added The Crew theme demo for Elementor
    V.3.0.1 - 2018.11.08
    - Added Podcastr theme demo for Elementor
    - Added Styling to Elementor's sidebar widget
    - Fixed PHP notice in footer when Elementor is not activated
    V.3.0 - 2018.11.07
    - We now support Elementor Page Builder! More info at https://www.elementor.com
    - New plugin available: Elementor for Sonaar. Required if you use Elementor
    - You can now import the Elementor version of Apex, Moonlight and Outlander. The other demos will be available shortly.
    - Fixed Woocommerce 3.x error: Woocommerce_get_page_id is depreciated. Replaced by wc_get_page_id
    - Removed the VC class on the Artist Single, Audio Player and Video List template.
    - Optimized call to our server's API for licence check
    - Updated WPBakery Page Builder 5.6 to be compatible with WP 5 (Guternburg) Go to WP-Admin > Appearance > Install Plugins the update the plugin.
    - Updated Essential Grid 2.3 Go to WP-Admin > Appearance > Install Plugins the update the plugin.
    - Added New menu location to have different menu items on mobile and on desktop


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew