  Public Ticket #2104866
My new client is having issues with reliable audio/sound player playback


  • Sterling started the conversation

    I was reallyyyy hoping to smooth out as he said a reliable song player is priority one, are there any other things I can do to ensure the best possible music playback on iPhones, desktop, laptop etc? I LOVE SONAAR 100 as I think y'all know, just need to have all functionality reliable 100.  This client/singer is a friend of mine for years so I know he wouldn't say there are issues on his end (his wife on her iPhone off and on was experiencing sound skipping also) I also noticed odd scrolling issue on my iPhone (he hasn't mentioned but def seems buggy, not having smooth scroll down every time on my iPhone https://michaelshapiromusic.demo.site not sure what would be causing it to get 'stuck' in certain areas/rows/sections of the site, forces me to click Menu tabs to move past)

    Pls let me know Sonaar Fam!

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hi Sterling,

    Hope you are doing well. 

    Can you tell me how I can reproduce the issue (and describe with a bit more details what the issue is) about the reliable audio/sound player playback?

    There is a known issue/ glitches when NOT using mp3 files with 320kbps bitrate with 44.1kHZ so make sure your MP3 files are 320kbps and 44.1kHz sample rate. here a screenshot of a MP3 that has no glitch: https://d.pr/i/oIXukL

    I have attached you that MP3 so you can compare with your and confirm that there is no glitch with my mp3 file on your website (unzip it first)

    For the scrolling issue, I seem to be able to replicate it with my Android. I need to double touch the screen. this is weird and I need to investigate. This is something I definitely need to fix asap. Could you please provide me access to your wp-admin as I dont seems to be able to replicate this issue with my own demos. Seems only to happen on your site


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Sterling replied

    Thanks for reply Maxime and hope all good with you and Sonaar summer 2019!

    I spoke to the singer and site owner earlier and he said this about iPhone song playing issue etc:


    Michael Shapiro 4 hours ago

    @sterling1 All the mp3's are 44.1kHZ with some of the bitrates being 160 and 256, but there are many with the suggested 320 and I've tested them, same intermittent issues whether they're 320, 256, or 169. Skipping, slowing down, and stopping. Besides, no glitches on desktop, so bitrate shouldn't be an issue.

    What are you thoughts?  Did you login to site to make sure there isn't some other reason for conflict and can you test on iPhone there? here's a link to how it sounds on his iPhone https://www.dropbox.com/s/yaxfw8mfvjwbztj/Audio_586574247.m4a?dl=0 and he said it happens most times on the songs BIG THNKS hoping to finish this site asap, this the only issue thnks

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Could you please provide me access to your wp-admin and I will gladly check the issue you have.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Sterling replied

    Great, BIG THNKS Maxime!


    user: wordadmin pass: Mich0089!

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    Im 100% sure the issue is related to your audio file compression or encoding (im not an audio engineer so I dont know what is wrong exactly). But if you try the music file I sent you earlier, there is no glitch on iphone with that file which means the problem is in the encoding of the file and a glitch with the iPhone.

    Unfortunately, I dont have a straight fix (id love tho!) but if it was me, I'd re-compress my mp3 files with a different mp3 encoder (there are plenty of free mp3 encoder on the web) and do some test to see which one fit the best with the iPhone.

    I know that there is other player which will work fine with your mp3, but our mp3 use javascript so its why you might have the glitch when using our player on iphone vs other player. The glitch comes from Apple and the browser which have difficulties to play a mp3 encoded in a certain version.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Sterling replied

    Ok I/We will recompress/convert the current MP3s... I don't see in these ecoder export options how to select 44.1 khz like your mp3 Maxime.  Any ideas? How did you create your healthy ones? If there was easy free online link maybe that could be added to Sonaar docs if anyone else this is happening to.  I will pass this on to my client now and see if he knows

    Big UPS

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    The mp3s we are using have been encoded directly by the artists. we didnt struggle with them as they were already correctly encoded.

    I suggest that you do some test with only 1 mp3 and see if it fixes the issue.

    There have been around 5 people facing the same issue as you describe who fixed the issue by rencoding the mp3 with another software but I dont know the name unfortunately.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Sterling replied

    Hey Maxime,

    So he reformatted all the MP3 to 44.khz just like your sample and I uploaded them to the 28 song player. They seem to be playing great, nice and clear now! I transferred the site from my hosting into his but now noticing (on his hosting and the original demo build on my hosting) this issue on mobile when trying to skip to diff songs. I double checked all plugins, version of WP, and hosting is up to latest versions.  Any idea about this, have you seen before?  As you know any site design is somewhat useless if a major element is not working correctly.  Srry to bother you again, this been frustrating for us all man.

    You can see my iPhone listen/click tracks issues here  https://www.dropbox.com/s/uemdizxouppdvdc/michaelshapiromusic-iphone-music-play1.mov?dl=0

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/jircr4683i66zkd/michaelshapiromusic-iphone-music-play2.mov?dl=0  It's a scrolling one page site gets 'stuck' in certain sections on phone view also.  Any ideas?   BIG THNKS https://michaelshapiromusic.com/wp-admin user: wordadmin pass: Mich0089!

    I noticed on the other Sonaar site I did for him, same issues, here is iphone view w his audio player

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/qvagf0mci8y61h8/recklessinvegas.com-iphone-view.mov?dl=0  RecklessInVegas.com This sucks, luv your audio player style so much but he's getting ticked off w me and says his Facebook music player plays much better/flawless on his phone. Pls let me know if any thoughts, again aplgz I just hate to keep wasting all of our time on this. thnks

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    I dont have a iphone with me yet to test. Will get one tomorrow. But I cant replicate any of the issue you mention with my Android Google Pixel 2.

    From what I see in your video, sometimes the site seems to "break". This is due to a lack of ressource of the mobile device. You have a quiet a lot of songs and javascript mp3 loading on mobile take CPU ressource. What version of iphone are you testing with? Does it happens with any iphones?


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Sterling replied

    Whoops just noticed your reply, aplgz delay here Maxime.

    I have an iPhone 8+ and he has a newer one.  I didn't know the more songs, the more of strain no resources and phone. All works great on your Android though? Yeah needs to all be reliable on most all phones (if they have old phone that is their loss!). What is another reliable and cool looking way to setup a 30 song audio player in Sonaar? I need to get this client and old friend happy asap


  •  1,115
    Max replied


    On my Android, I have not issues at all.

    on iphone tho, I can replicate some of the issue (although, the page has never crashed on my visit on your website). I can feel that the scrolling is not that smooth tho, and this is because of all the assets you are loading. There is a lot of element (images, row, parallax, media, music, etc..) going on that page and its why the page is behaving slower than normal/expected. If I was you, i would reduce the amount of element you have in a page and separate this in different pages.

    I have also tested a completely different player that has a list of 32 songs. The player is coming directly from Spotify and I can also notice a very scroll lag time on that player. So my guess is that iphone sucks as displaying and scrolling long list. You can check the player im talking about here: https://demo.sonaar.io/mandala-elementor/albums/spotify-album/

    My recommendation is that you separate your content in dffferent playlist than having a 1 big playlist.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Sterling replied

    Ahhhh yeah this all does make sense then Maxime, MUCH appreciation to you looking into all for me.  I'll turn his site into a multipage site and will be aware not to pack so many amazing elements together (I never had an issue before as I have loved mobile friendly parallax for years and on scroll animations and scrolling one page sites BUT I never had 30 song cool audio player on top of it all!)  I bought an android phone two years ago so I could test my sites on both devices as the online simulators are not the same thing at all, and we need to know how the whole world views our designs on phones, not just half ha)

    Thanks for your aweomeness all ways Maxime and $ONAAR ROCKS!  

  • Sterling replied

    Oh, how did you build, or how would I try, to build a Spotify based one like that awesome link you sent? Looks GRT

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    I have simply embeded a spotify playlist with iframes. https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/widgets/guides/adding-a-widget/


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Sterling replied

    Yo Maxime!

    So it looks like to hear the full songs you have to go to spotify, you can only hear a sample of each song. Spotify owns CD Baby and they both lock you in for having to pay to have your songs on there. Michael really wants self hosted but yeah all of those songs won't play on iPhone without glitching out.

    I tried a SoundCloud playlist and setup just now with some of my old songs ha https://thewebstylist.com/soundcloud-playlist-embeds/ but you can't experience the site itself while listening to the songs which of course is what he still really wants. I tried 3 other WordPress plugins for audio embeds... there is one that plays seamlessly in the footer which might work I'm going to leave the site as is for desk/laptop and then hide/show a new row for mobile only with the new player or embed. Thanks for al lMaxime!

  •  678
    Alexandre replied


    Maxime is gone for the week. He will read your message next monday. 


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Hector replied

    I'm experiencing a similar issue with audio playback on mobile devices. My website is running in a Hostgator server (Baby plan Shared Hosting). Everything is updated and smooth, using php 8.2

    All my MP3 files are encoded at 320 kbps and 44.1kHz. They are in the Wordpress media library.

    Playback on desktop computers is flawless, but on my Android smartphone, the audio frequently skips and stutters.

    I've considered using AWS S3 with Cloudflare as a CDN, but since playback is fine on desktops and the issue is only on mobile, I'm not sure if this solution would make sense, considering the added technical complexity and cost.

    Has a definitive solution been found for this problem? If so, could you please share the details?

    I'm attaching a screen recording that demonstrates the issue with audio pops and clicks.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated

    Attached files:  pops-and-clicks-audio-issue-hector-gonzalez.mp4