  Public Ticket #2109115
Audio player forces website to reload


  • Jamie McClennan started the conversation

    Hi There, 
    I've set up a site with one of the sonar templates.  All was going fine, but after setting up the last couple of pages for some reason every time a play button is pressed on the audio player on any page of the site, the page reloads and I get a message bar saying 'this web page reloaded because a problem occurred'.

    Using the Web Inspector on safari I get the following message: 

    > Selected Element
    < <div class="elementor-widget-wrap">…</div>
    [Error] Unhandled Promise Rejection: NotAllowedError: The request is not allowed by the user agent or the platform in the current context, possibly because the user denied permission.
    (anonymous function)
    j (mediaelement-and-player.min.js:12:17899)
    (anonymous function) (mediaelement-and-player.min.js:12:18980)
    (anonymous function) (sonaar.scripts.min.js:7175)
    (anonymous function)
    dispatchEvent (mediaelement-and-player.min.js:12:19536)
    (anonymous function) (mediaelement-and-player.min.js:12:132279)

  • Jamie McClennan replied

    It's all fixed.  Don't know how... Thanks :)