  Public Ticket #2109611
Menu loading problem


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    Erik Desrosiers started the conversation

    I'm using the Mandala theme, which has a menu that shrinks once the page scrolls. This works well for the most part, however often when loading a page the menu ends up on top of the content and stays stuck that way. I've included a photo of how that looks. How can I make sure that the page loads properly?


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    Erik Desrosiers replied

    I had attached the wrong screenshot. See this one. The problem happens intermittently and can only be resolved by refreshing the page, which obviously isn't good.

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    Max replied

    Send me screenshot again. It doesn't seem attached. 


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

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    Erik Desrosiers replied

    Here you go

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    Erik Desrosiers replied

    I've migrated the site from Dreamhost to Cloudways, so hopefully that resolves this bug. Will report back if it is still occurring.

  •  1,115


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

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    Erik Desrosiers replied

    This problem is still occurring. Basically the menu, which oddly loads last (if it possible to make it load first?) end up on top of the page contents. The only way to resolve this problem is to reload the page. I've seen this happen on multiple computers/browsers and people have reported it to me. How can I fix this issue?


  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Bonjour Erik, 

    Le logo du menu est intégé avec du code JS. 
    Nous attendons donc que le logo soit intégré avant de faire apparaître le menu. 
    Vous pouvez utiliser ce code css pour que le menu soit visible plutôt, on ne peut rien faire pour le logo.

        visibility: visible;
        opacity: 1;

    Pouvez-vous m'indiquer quoi faire pour voir le problème.
    si je suis sur la page d'accueil et je scroll jusqu'en bas de la page, et que je clique sur "about" dans le menu, est-ce que je devrais voir le problème. Sur mon ordi, tout semble normal. Je me retrouve en haut de la page ABOUT


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew