  Public Ticket #2109642
Album covert art disappears + audio player background


  •  1
    Erik Desrosiers started the conversation

    I set up a playlist in Elementor using the Sonaar theme widget, however the album cover art appears for an instant and then disappears. How to fix these issues?


    Note: The audio player background color issue I was having previously seems to have solved itself, so never mind that.

  •  1
    Erik Desrosiers replied

    The problem with album art solved itself momentarily and then came back again...

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Send me a video screen recording to elaborate on your issue. I don't understand and I'm not able to replicate. 


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •  1
    Erik Desrosiers replied

    This was resolved by migrating from Dreamhost to Cloudways.