  Public Ticket #2167737


  • Marvin started the conversation

    Hello, I'm trying to embed the audio player (a playlist) in my website (not the Sonaar template but another one) using a shortcode. But it doesn't work. 

    Shortcode I am using is: [sonaar_audioplayer playlist="demos"][/sonaar_audioplayer]

    On the website it says: "no Playlist Selected".

    Can you please advice what the correct shortcode is? 

  • Marvin replied

    I figured that [sonaar_audioplayer albums=”showreel”] would be the correct shortcode. 

    But now on the frontend it says "Playlist has been deleted. ID: ”showreel”"... 

    What am I doing wrong?

  • Marvin replied

    I re-checked my ID but even with the correct playlist ID the following shortcode doesn't work:

    placing in [sonaar_audioplayer albums=”705”]

    results in this on the frontend: Playlist has been deleted. ID: ”705

  •  1
    Kjetil replied

    Hi Maxime, 

    I'm not sure how to post privately, unless I'm overlooking something

    but in any case, I attached an image that shows it a bit better, or if I'm doing something wrong.

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    @Kjetil the issue you have is because on your post: https://d.pr/i/pH4IUN

    Your shortcode is incorrect. You are using a french double quote. You must use english double quote.

    Instead of using this: 

    [sonaar_audioplayer albums=163″][/sonaar_audioplayer]
    use this:
    [sonaar_audioplayer albums="163"][/sonaar_audioplayer] 


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •  1
    Kjetil replied

    That work, thanks!

    (alt+34) in case anyone need it

  • Marvin replied

    good catch! That solved the issue for me as well!