  Public Ticket #2179025
Error installing the Soundman theme


  • Nick Harvey started the conversation

    Hi I've just installed the Soundman theme on my website, I followed the instructions, but I now have this error on my website:

    'Fatal error: Cannot declare class sonaar_Music, because the name is already in use in /www2/23c/www.nickharveycomposer.com/web/wp-content/themes/sonaar/includes/sonaar-music/includes/class/sonaar-music.class.php on line 6'

    And I can't even undo anything because even my wordpress log-in just throws up this error!!!!

    I'm really concerned, as my site was showing a 'coming soon' page created with the seedprod plug-in and your theme installation seems to have completely over-ridden this and now any visitors to my site will see this error message.

    Please can you help/advise on how to fix this asap?


  • Nick Harvey replied

    Ok, I've deleted the plug-in and installed the latest version of wordpress, but I'm still worried that the theme will break my site if I try and re-install it!

    Can anyone reassure or offer any suggestions to stop this happening?


  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hi Nick,

    the error you had is probably because the standalone MP3 Music Player by Sonaar was activated.

    Make sure to deactivate it/delete it before install the theme. The theme itself has the same built-in plugin. let me know if it works.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Nick Harvey replied

    Thanks Maxime

    I deactivated the MP3 music player and everything seems ok now. Phew!