  Public Ticket #2193812
MP3 Player Not Working When Embedded in Pop-Up


  • Brandon McPeak started the conversation

    I have a player embedded in an Elementor pop-up that doesn't work:


    My intent with the plugin was to have a site-wide "Listen" link in the nav menu that would pop up a modal containing the song list and giving users the ability to play songs wherever they are on the site. 

    Is this possible? Any ideas why it's not working?


  •  1,115
    Max replied


    Does your theme support Ajax? In order to have a continuous playback through all the page of your site, your theme must support Ajax page loading (also known PJAX).

    All our themes we sell here: https://sonaar.io/wordpress-themes/ are PJAX compatible and support continuous playback.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Brandon McPeak replied

    Does that mean if my theme doesn't support PJAX then I won't even be able to get songs to play from a pop-up? 

    I was resigned to not being able to have the music player persist between pages, but if I can't have it in a pop-up then the limitations vs. what I want to do are starting to be too great.

    I use the WP Astra theme. Do you know if it's compatible?

    If not, do you know if there's a way to enable AJAX/PJAX support?

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    what popup ? we dont have any popup on either our theme or plugin.

    Our plugin is compatible with WP Astra but WP Astra has no ajax page loading.

    To make it short: You cannot have a continuous playback through your pages if you dont use one of our theme.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Brandon McPeak replied

    The pop-up mentioned in my first message:

    "I have a player embedded in an Elementor pop-up that doesn't work:


    My intent with the plugin was to have a site-wide 'Listen' link in the nav menu that would pop up a modal containing the song list and giving users the ability to play songs wherever they are on the site. 

    Is this possible? Any ideas why it's not working?"

    See these screenshots showing more detail:

    1. Open pop-up: https://www.screencast.com/t/PuLVk00yS
    2. Click song in song list contained in pop-up: https://www.screencast.com/t/fhesEuIpU
    3. Nothing happens

    I'm not worried about the ability to play music between pages.

    But I would like it to be able to start playing a song from an Elementor pop-up.


  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Elementor has the option to have a lightbox popup (like the one you are using), not a window popup. When you switch page, that lightbox reload so the music will stop. That wont work.

    If you want to have continuous playback, you MUST use one of our theme (which has Ajax page loadiing) or a theme that has ajax page loading.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew