  Public Ticket #2203941
audio player play url


  • Scott started the conversation


    Can the player play a single track from a URL in the shortcode?


  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Scott,

    We have to create a playlist post. Our player plays playlist. But you can create a playlist with a single track from a url.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Scott replied

    Hi Alexandre,

    Thank you for your reply. Probably won't work for me then, but a couple more questions...

    So the the playlist post is a custom post type?

    I'm creating a rather complicated set up using Toolset. Currently the URL of the audio shortcode in the Toolset View is populated by a URL custom field. It works great but I'm not crazy about the audio player, though I customized it a bit. I also use the player from the tips and tricks HQ, which is good in some instances. But again, the src of both these shortcodes are populated by a custom field...so I'm guessing I can't do that with your player, correct? 

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Yes. Playlists are custom post type

    I dont understand your second request


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Scott replied

    2nd question not really a request....

    just to confirm, something like this is not possible with your plugin, correct?

    [sonaar_audioplayer src=”https://mysite.com/my.mp3”]

    like it is with native player:

    [audio src="audio-source.mp3"]

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    This syntax doesnt work with our plugin.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Scott replied

    Thanks...too bad, plugin looks great, would of loved to use!