  Public Ticket #2262070
Multiple h1, disable autoplay, smooth scrolling


  • Me started the conversation


    thanks for the awesome themes, I got a few problems however:

    1. event lists have h1 in them, his is a SEO anti-pattern

    2. where do I disable the auto-playing playlist that came with the demo content (I'm using Apex)? On the page home I see the auto-play option but it is unset.

    3. do you bundle smooth scrolling? If so, which library? I'm trying to link to anchors but can't set an offset via the usual CSS hacks. Now the headers keep scrolling underneath the fixed menu.



  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi there, 

    1. No worries about the h1. Each event list elements are made as a Article. Each Article can have a H1. 

    2.You have to edit the audioplayer with elementor 
    And disable popup player in footer when the page loads https://d.pr/free/i/Etv8eq

    3.Here our documentation about anchor

    The scrolling effect is custom. 
    May I have your url so I can see your issue?


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew