  Public Ticket #2266651
Disable Menu and/or Submenu


  • MAURICIO started the conversation

    I am using the Streamking theme.    and I would like to disable some main menu and / or submenus too.   I only see the option to deleted it but I don't want to deleted because I want to enable when I need it later. maybe I missed something I don't see the options to disable ?

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hi Mauricio,

    Dont be afraid to delete the menu items in your menu (in wp-admin > appearance > menu). You can recreate it very easily later and add only the page link you want. By deleting the menu items, it will NOT delete your pages and contents.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • MAURICIO replied

    I've been playing around with the manu and I got what you meant.   Now I feel confident to move, delete create etc. 
