  Public Ticket #2286595
Using Elements instead of WP Bakery


  • Soni started the conversation

    Hi There happy 2020 and wishing you at Sonaar all the more success.

    I would like to inquire will it be possible not to use WP Bakery and go full Elementor without losing the data I have on my current site.

    Please advise how I will able to do this.

    Thank you

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hi there,

    Our theme fully support Elementor (In fact, all our new theme demos have all been redesigned with Elementor and we dont work with WPBakery anymore).

    Now if you want to convert your website from WPBakery to Elementor, you will have to redesign all your pages in Elementor because its 2 very different page builder.

    If you dont want or dont have the knowledge on how to do it yourself, we do offer a customization service. You can find more details here:  https://sonaar.io/service/full-website-creation/


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Soni replied

    Hi Maxine, 

    Thank you for the reply.  When I purchase the lifetime member I had downloaded the template pack with the WP. 

    Will it be possible to have the same pack that has the Elementor to be downloaded again and I can use the demo install procedure. 

    Kind regards


  •  1,115
    Max replied


    Yes, if you import a new theme demo into a new wordpress website, it will be 100% elementor.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Soni replied

    Hi Maxime, 


    I currently have this file I can download from my purchase confirmation I made in 2018 will this contain the Elementor for tenplates importing in to the current website I have




    Thank you


    Kind Regards


  •  1,115
    Max replied

    I dont understand what you need exactly and what you are trying to do.

    If you want to create a NEW website with the Elementor plugin, make sure you run the latest version of the theme and go to wp-admin > tools > demo content install. 

    You can learn more about our theme and watch video tutorials to get started here: https://sonaar.io/video-tutorials/


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Soni replied

    I have tried the following and find that your are correct in your first reply that I cannot just convert from wp bakery to Elementor.

    What would be the cost of customisation for this transfer while keeping my data and content intact?

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hi Soni,

    we would have to rebuild all your wp bakery page into elementor.

    How many WPBakery page you have?


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Soni replied

    Hi Maxime, 

    There should be 9 pages that I have used WP bakery on my site. 

    Will blogs and other content require rebuilding or just the main pages? 

    Thank you in advance for your quote.

    Kind regards


  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hi Soni,

    Alright. So our price starts at $599 and include a maximum of 6 WPbakery --> Elementor page + maximum 6 albums pages. In your case, we wont have to create 6 albums pages because I assume the one you got already are made with our standard custom post type and are not using WPBakery features.

    We charge 100$/extra page you have. So with 4 extra page, the total cost would be 1000$ for a brand new Elementor website.

    We will keep all your current blogs and other content as is, and will make sure that everything is bug free and working like a brand new carsmile.png

    Waiting to hear from you


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Soni replied

    Hi Maxine, 

    Thank you for the quote. Allow me to consider and will revert of this service is required.

    Kind regards
