  Public Ticket #2315820
Animation don't works on Layout Pages: Elementor Canvas


  • Steven Mariani started the conversation

    Hi I'm Steven,

    I have a problem with the animations (ex. countdown, counter, movement text...) on Layout Pages: Elementor Canvas (the option in which I can create the landing pages from 0).

    When I put Layout Pages: Defalut in Elementor the animations work while when I put Elementor Canvas they don't work when I go to view them in the preview (I tried to do every type of experiment to understand the problem: checked plugin conflict, eliminated caches ecc... but nothing was solved).

    To explain me better: when I open in the browser a landing page created with Defalut option (so using the main theme presets ecc...) I can see the animations while when I open a landing page created with Elementor Canvas option countdown, counter, movement text ecc remains blocked.

    I have to say that this problem don't appear in the elementor panel but only when I check my landing page on my browser (I tried to see the landing page also in Chrome, Mozilla ecc but nothing was solved).

    Let me know if you need other information to understand better the problem.

    Thank you so much,


  •  1,115
    Max replied


    which version of the theme are you using? Make sure you use version 4.15

    Could you please provide me access to your wp-admin and I will gladly check the issue you have.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Steven Mariani replied

    Hi, thank you for the assistance!

    So I'm using the version but I'm using Sonaar Child (it's a default option I think).

    Ok, I can share the wp but with which role? Let me know, thank you so much.

    (I have also another problem with Sonaar theme. I obviously have bought it so I have the license but every 2-3 days the license expire and appears to me the message that I attached in this mail. When it's appear I go to my sonaar account, copy the license and paste it into the right section and it works for some days. I'm able to work with the theme also during this problem, I think that is a bug but I'm asking to understand better the theme functions)

    Thank you so much again


  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hello Steven, 

    Could you please update Sonaar to 4.15 and than go to wp-admin>appearance>install plugins
    And here some plugins update will be required. 

    For investigating wel always ask a administrator role.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew