It's a wonderful theme. I'm just having trouble finding how i change the picture of the girl in the far background. all the way in the background with flowers. I'm using Elementor i just can't find how to change that image. Please could someone give me help with this been trying to change that image for 3 days now. It's like wallpaper or something. The Milend Theme!!
I'm using the Milend Theme with Elementor,
It's a wonderful theme. I'm just having trouble finding how i change the picture of the girl in the far background. all the way in the background with flowers. I'm using Elementor i just can't find how to change that image. Please could someone give me help with this been trying to change that image for 3 days now. It's like wallpaper or something. The Milend Theme!!
M. Shaw
Hello M.Shaw,

3 days !!! You should have contacted us before
Please go to wp-admin>them options>look and feel>main background
Alexandre from the Crew
I tried it this way but it doesn't seem to work.
Hi Roger,
Could you please open a private ticket and provide a login credential to the wp-admin
Alexandre from the Crew
Thanks! I think it had something to do with the Cache because now it has worked out. Thankyou!
You are welcome
Alexandre from the Crew