I recently purchased your wonderful them and i'm have some issues (i'll open separate tickets).
The theme that i'm using is Beats - Music Producer and DJ Wordpress Theme.
On this one, i'm trying to trigger a popup during the page loading. In this case, i'm trying to display a Subscription Popup during the Home page load (but i'd like to trigger it in any page). The popup is made with Popup Builder free version.
After I create the popup with Popup Builder, i got a shortcode.
I go to Pages, and at the end of the page there should be a metabox to activate the popup on load, but the metabox is not there. It seems an incompatibility issue with the theme.
According to the forum support at Popup Builder:
1) On load – available via shortcode, or metabox under the page/post (free) [sg_popup id="1" event="onload"][/sg_popup].
As i can see no metabox, i tried using the shortcode by copy&pasting it to a Paragraph box. The paragraph box if after the static menu, and after six other paragraph fields.
The exact line I used is:[sg_popup id="3879" event="onload"][/sg_popup]
Hi guys,
I recently purchased your wonderful them and i'm have some issues (i'll open separate tickets).
The theme that i'm using is Beats - Music Producer and DJ Wordpress Theme.
On this one, i'm trying to trigger a popup during the page loading. In this case, i'm trying to display a Subscription Popup during the Home page load (but i'd like to trigger it in any page). The popup is made with Popup Builder free version.
After I create the popup with Popup Builder, i got a shortcode.
I go to Pages, and at the end of the page there should be a metabox to activate the popup on load, but the metabox is not there. It seems an incompatibility issue with the theme.
According to the forum support at Popup Builder:
1) On load – available via shortcode, or metabox under the page/post (free)
[sg_popup id="1" event="onload"][/sg_popup].
As i can see no metabox, i tried using the shortcode by copy&pasting it to a Paragraph box. The paragraph box if after the static menu, and after six other paragraph fields.
The exact line I used is:[sg_popup id="3879" event="onload"][/sg_popup]
Looking for answers, it seems it could be a timing thing, but not sure: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53895255/how-can-i-call-a-plugin-shortcode-from-within-a-function-with-theme-functions-ph#comment94636692_5389525
I've programmed in C# but i'm not an expert. Let me know what steps should I take to edit the code if needed.
Le me know if you need more info.
Thanks in advance.
I can see a popup here: https://d.pr/i/tCJave
Have you check with the author of the plugin whats wrong with it ? Also, do you have the same issue when you activate a default theme ?
Max from the Sonaar.io Crew
Sorry for the delay, I switched to Popup Maker.
Thanks for the replay.