  Public Ticket #2360721
Home page navbar logo, Podcast Show Page, and Podcast Post page


  • Andrew J Lee started the conversation

    First, the logo image on the home page is not working.  (only the home page)

    Second, I can't customize the Podcast Show and Podcast Post properly.

    Whenever I use the podcast post page, everything is lifted up the screen above the navbar.

    I have figured that it is due to the Podcast Show Page that the Podcast Post page is getting messed up. However, I don't know how to fix it. 

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hello Andrew, 

    May I have a login credential to the wp-admin?


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •   Andrew J Lee replied privately
  • Andrew J Lee replied

    Any updates on the issues?  

    By the way, I copy them and then try to modify it, and then it breaks on me.

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hello Andrew,
    Sorry, I didnt work yesterday.
    The login credential you gave is incomplete.
    The username is missing.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •   Andrew J Lee replied privately
  •  678
    Alexandre replied


    We can use two logo. Light and dark


    You home page was set to display the dark logo https://d.pr/free/i/pDgShJ
    No dark logo was set.
    I have fixed it.

    About the podcast issue.
    Where can I see it?
    Can you provide a screenshot?
    I dont understand well the issue


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Andrew, 

    Yes with elementor pro you can built your own podcast template. 

    You can also use our template. But some element is missing to make our template nicer. You should add a banner background and hide select hide title to make it looks like this https://demo.sonaar.io/podcrafter/epsode/episode-008-everything-you-say-is-great/

    Please take  look here https://d.pr/free/i/fAzsOH


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Andrew J Lee replied

    Ok so without elementor pro, I can't use the parallax and the player in between the blocks?

    Also, what about the player issue?

    I mean the show, and the player

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    No this is not what i m saying. 
    Elementor Pro allow you to built a podcast episode template as you want but you dont need it to reproduce a look like this https://demo.sonaar.io/podcrafter/epsode/episode-008-everything-you-say-is-great/
    Please follow instruction here https://d.pr/free/i/fAzsOH to make the parallax banner. 


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    I m confused. What is the player issue?


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Andrew J Lee replied

    In some instances the player gets lifted above the nagbar.

    Ok I tried to customize it with the setting you advised and it just doesn't work for me for some reason.

    Would you please tell me step by step on how to do this?  Every time I do it, something different comes up.  It is very frustrating.  

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hello Andrew, 

    Something was wrong with the picture selected.
    In fact, i dont find it in your media library. 
    The banner work well with another picture. 

    The best way to do it is to duplicate a episode post and just replacing elements. Of course, you need first at least one episode set as you want. I think this episode should be your model https://andrewjlee.info/podcast/ep-1-interview-with-micah-perrello/?epc_purge_all=1&epc_purge_single=1

    Inherit setting from the podcast category
    Another thing, you can set a banner for all your "Andrew Lee Show" episode. You have to go to wp-admin>podcast episodes>category>The Andrew Lee Show
    And set the banner here 
    And you have to check this option in each episode backend


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Andrew J Lee replied

    Ok great,

    I actually reinstalled wordpress and it seems to work.  

    How do you make it bigger like it the default theme os in https://demo.sonaar.io/podcrafter/epsode/episode-008-everything-you-say-is-great/?


    I kind of got the above solved but I was just playing around with the settings.  I would like a better way to do that.  Thanks

    What does Podcast Show category do?

    And how did you change the dark and light version of the logo on the home page only?

    Also, I'm having problems with the footer.  It extends so that white space is where it should be.


    Especially, noticeable in mobile.

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hello Andrew, 

    1)You can adjust the banner height in the banner setting. 

    2)Podcast Show category could be helpful is you have many shows, and your want to order them by categories. 

    3)You can select which logo you want ine each page settings https://d.pr/free/i/Fuoqzd


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Andrew J Lee replied

    Awesome! Thank you so much.

    Also, I appreciate all your help thus far.

    1. So, in regards to the banner size, would the height look ok on other sized screens?

    Basically, would it be responsive? If not, how would I accomplish this?

    2. Now, how would I fix the footer problem? https://d.pr/i/pYpJDJ

    3. How do I fix the ajax load problem?

    The situation: On certain pages, the embedded code doesn't load on the first run.  

    I would have to reload.  This is also happening on certain blog page layouts, that is why I switched to list.  

    Which this happens less often.  

    First load https://d.pr/i/WZrkm7

    Reload/properly loaded https://d.pr/i/Fs0ksB

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    1) You can select "keep image aspect ratio" as the height option  https://d.pr/free/i/H7FvRv

    2) I dont see this on my device. Do you this issue on all pages? On which browser?

    3)You can always disable the ajax feature to wp-admin>theme options>general setting.
    Another way is to add the css class "no-ajax" to the menu item linked to the broken page.
    Example: If you want to disable the ajax feature on the contact page only, so add the no-ajax class on the menu item linked to the contact page. Here how to a a class on a menu item https://sevenspark.com/how-to/how-to-add-a-custom-class-to-a-wordpress-menu-item 


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Andrew J Lee replied

    1. "Keep image aspect ratio" doesn't work for me.  It pushes everything up and the player is barely visible.

    And there aren't any customization when choosing "Keep image aspect ratio" so I don't really understand that that does.  

    2.  I'm using Chrome, and it happens to every page except for the home and Book an Appointment pages when they are properly loaded.  

    This might be an ajax issue as well.  When initially loading the website, the home page does load properly, however, when I go back to the home page from other internal links, it does the same thing. 

    EDIT: I just tested it out.  When opened from another browser window, the problem is gone on all internal links. (copy/paste to another browser window) 

    3. Is there an alternative solution to this?  

    I don't want the listeners to reload the podcast when they search through the website.

  •  678
    Alexandre replied


    May I have a login credentilal to the wp-admin?


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •   Andrew J Lee replied privately
  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Thanks for the login credentials,

    1)The "Keep image ratio feature" has a conflict with the "Cloudimage -responsive image as service" plugin.

    2)the footer issue is caused by a conflict between our ajax navigation and the "customer live chat" plugin. 

    3)Sorry, i dont have a better solution. The Ajax option is a nice feature but it is very hard for us to make it compatible with all third part plugin.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Andrew J Lee replied

    Not at all, thank you for helping me.

    Hmm that's interesting. 

    That's fine, I don't need the live chat widget on this website.

    So, even with the live chat plugin deactivated the Book an Appointment page is still having problems.  

    As for the Cloudimage plugin, is there a way to make this compatible? 

    This is allowing all my images to be responsive and fast.  

    Is there a list of compatible plugins that I can look over?

    Also, what settings would you recommend on a caching plugin.  

    Just installed and activated Swift Performance, and it really did a number to the CSS 

    Deactivated it

    Also, how do I remove the vertical podcast episode on the podcast show page?

    Underneath the horizontal podcast episodes.

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    The "Live chat" plugin was only causing the footer isse. The issue on the appointement page are clearly caused by a conflict between the booking plugin you are using and the ajax feature. 
    Sorry but we ll not, for now, make this plugin or the Cloudimage plugin compatible. You have to choose between the ajax feature or those plugins. We dont have a list of compatible plugins. To many plugins are available. 


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Andrew J Lee replied

    The Appointments Page is an js embed and there isn't any change with the CloudImage plugin deactivated.  Note: That some of Sonaar Themes pages such as blog 2/3/.. column does the same thing as my Appointments Page without any plugin activated.  I think that would be a pressing matter to fix.  I mean it isn't a 3rd party plugin or js embed.  Maybe fixing that would solve my issue as well.

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    The good thing with wordpress is everybody can develop and release a plugin. The bad thing with wordpress is everybody can develop and release a plugin. What I mean is to much plugins is available and are developed different way. It is impossible for us  to list compatible plugin. Even if we do a list, a verification will be required after each version update. That make no sense. In fact, the huge majority of them works fine. And if something goes wrong, you are able to disable the ajax feature or use the no-ajax class. So I recommend to you to add "no-ajax" class to the "book and appointment" menu item


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Andrew J Lee replied

    Makes sense.  

    On an unrelated topic, how do I remove the vertical podcast episode in Podcast Show?  

    I have a horizontal list above that.  It doesn't make sense for both.  


    Thanks in advance. 

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hello Andrew, 

    the podcast show template already display podcast archive. You dont have to add a new one in the elementor Editor. 
    Please remove the podcast archive element you have added https://d.pr/free/i/wGtEJe.

    And go to wp-admin>theme options>podcast>podcast episode archive
    And select list https://d.pr/free/i/WEGkZC


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Andrew J Lee replied

    Thanks for all your help.  

    I must have been a difficult customer, but I really appreciate all you have done. 

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    No worries, you are welcome.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Andrew J Lee replied

    Hi can you help me with the navbar?  The problem is that whenever I go to the link on incognito, the css is basically gone.  

    However, when I'm logged in it's fine. 

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    May I have a login credential to the wp-admin?


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •   Andrew J Lee replied privately
  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    I have disable and re ablde some plugins and the issue has disappear.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Andrew J Lee replied

    That's odd, on my end the problem isn't resolved.  

    (I was in incognito)

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Most of time, issue are caused by one of third part plugins activated. Please disable all plugins except elementor, slider revolution, Essential Grid and sonaar elementor add-on. If the issue disapears, this confirm one of those plugin causes the issue. In this case, enable each plugins one per one to find which one is guilty.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew