  Public Ticket #2372412


  • kevin started the conversation

    Mobile version of the theme is not working it says 429 too many requests when trying to purchase clothing item. I have people who want to buy clothing, but it says 429 error from their phones. Theme looks and works great on desktop not so much on mobile

  • kevin replied

    NVM Sir don't waste your time apparently it was my phone server this whole time I am asking some other people too see if they are having the issue

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Ok Kevin, 
    thanks to have notified the issue is fixed


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • kevin replied

    So I have been promoting and I noticed that most phones it works, but some phones it does not. The site does not work for me. 2 potential buyers said they have been blocked from check out by the 429 error. Cricket Att&T and boost mobile have said they recieved the 429 error. Yet my girlfriend has att&t and she does not see the 429 error. Is there a way to make the site more mobile friendly for more devices? Or does the site just need more time to settle in?

  • kevin replied

    Wordpress is telling me to get rid of the Sonaar theme as the only solution. Do you have any other way to fix this problem? 429 error pops up on some phones and not on others. I need a solution or else I will have to get rid of this theme.

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    Max replied


    the issue is not related to our theme, its related to your server. I invite you to check what is a real Error 429: https://www.pair.com/support/kb/what-is-a-429-error/

    We have around 25 000 customers who use our theme and you are the only one who have this issue.

    If your hosting cant resolve this issue (because its really a server issue), I urge you to move to another, BETTER, web hosting.

    I strongly recommend CloudWays as one of the best Web hosting in the world right now. It's a very good host and cheap too. They specialize in WordPress and the customer support is exceptional and free ! check it out: http://sonaar.io/go/cloudways


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

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