  Public Ticket #2372658


  • Alberto San Vicente started the conversation


    1. I would like to create another totally independent section of artists for our bands tribute to other great bands, is it possible? How can I do it?
    2. I would like to have the logo as on its page, in the right corner and the menu is completely centered on the page, even though I try it from the menu-logo option, I cannot get the logo to be as corner as yours nor centered my menu.
    3. Within the page of each band there is an area for contact & booking, would it be possible to cast it or edit it so that it only puts the word "contact" in Spanish? I don't mean the content, but the header

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    1. You can add new page by going to wp-admin > pages and click add new.

    Unfortunately, customizing and personalizing new pages for your website is beyond the scope of our free support. However, we do offer personal customization here: https://sonaar.io/service/website-customization-service/

    2. I dont quiet understand your issue. Here is what I see: https://d.pr/i/4M6esC the logo is on the left and you want on the right corner but the menu centered? Im not sure if its possible. Can you send me an example of "as yours nor centered my menu."

    3. To translate strings and website, see this article: https://sonaar.ticksy.com/article/12411


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Alberto San Vicente replied

    As you can see in image 1, the logo is attached to the left edge of the web, while in image 2 (our page), although it is on the left, it is very close to the menu.

  •  1,115


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Alberto San Vicente replied

    The logo theme is solved, thank you very much, it must be the only combination that I had not tried.
    In point 1 what I would like is to be able to choose the artists that appear on the page, since when inserting in the new page the Essential Grid module and editing the content and choosing Artist Grid-Boxed includes all the artists and what I want is to place some artists on one page and others on another.

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    You can categorize your artists in multiple category and duplicate essential grid to pulls its data from the category your specify.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Alberto San Vicente replied

    I do not understand how I can put rock groups on one page and jazz groups on another, for example, I duplicate the page, but on both I get all the groups, I do not understand how I can choose or discard them

  • Alberto San Vicente replied

    I can not link the songs of my artists well, I think I mess some linck, our artists have their songs on Spotify, I copy the link to the song from Spotify and it does not sound, it appears, but it does not sound, what could I be doing wrong?

    Link to one of our artists https://39400702.servicio-online.net/wordpress/artist/la_fuga-2/

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    You need to have 2 different page with 2 different grid ! If you use same grid on both page, you will have the same grid! you actually need to duplicate the grid as well (in wp-admin > Ess. Grid) and set up each grid to your specific needs.

    If you want, we can do it for you to customize it to your need, but its beyond the scope of our free support. Learn more about our services here: https://sonaar.io/service/website-customization-service/

    For Spotify, you cannot stream Spotify file directly into our MP3 Player.

    We support these streaming servers along with our real-time spectrum soundwave: - Local MP3 - Icecast - Libsyn - Stitcher - Shoutcast - Mixcloud - Acast - Amazon S3 - FMStream.org - or any web server that you control the .htaccess.

    We support these streaming servers but you will need to deactivate the Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer (wp-admin > theme options > general settings. See screenshot: https://d.pr/i/61Itlr - Podbean - SoundCloud Podcasts - Buzzsprout - Simplecast - Spreaker - Audioboom - CastBox - Pippa.io - Anchor

    You cannot stream directly from: x Spotify x SoundCloud Music x Apple Podcast x Google Podcast x YouTube


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Alberto San Vicente replied

    ¿Cómo puedo extender la distancia del menú en la parte superior

    edited: sorry i found it

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Can I close this ticket?


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Alberto San Vicente replied

    No se como cerrarlo