  Public Ticket #2372895
how to change one Sonaar theme to another


  • rickstephenrick started the conversation


    What is the procedure to change from one Sonaar theme to another?

    I can't find any instruction or video at https://sonaar.io/video-tutorials/ and the FAQ section says nothing either.

    I have broken my site before when switching themes because the procedure for that was not clear but it was specific and required.  

    Hope this helps someone else too.


  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hello Rick,

    to import a new theme demo, simply go to wp-admin > tools > demo content install and import a new theme demo. 

    Take notes that when you import a new theme demo, it will completely replace/overwrite your current website by the theme demo.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • rickstephenrick replied

    Thank you for quick response Maxime,

    I suppose my concern was about the plugins; I install third-party plugins for my Elementor sites.  Do I need to remove or deactivate any of them?

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    which third party plugins?


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • rickstephenrick replied

    Aksimet's  Anti-spam

    CSSigniter's  Audio Igniter Pro

    Cybot A/S's  Cookiebot

    BdThemes's  Element Pack (widgets)

    CSSIgniter's  Elements Plus! (elements)

    WPDeveloper's  Essential Addons (elements)

    MonsterInsights's  MonsterInsights Pro

    Brainstorm Force's  Ultimate Addons

    Yoast SEO

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Yes delete these plugins


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • rickstephenrick replied

    OK.  I will deactivate them before installing my theme.

    After, I will reactivate them individually to see if there are issues.  

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Yes, this plugin carousel is also not compatible with Ajax page loading. You should check with the author if they have plan to make it compatible with Ajax loading. Otherwise, you can load the page in a standard way (without ajax), but the continuous audio player will stop when you go to that page.

    If you want to load the page in a standard way for your single artist page, give me access to your wp-admin and Ill add a jquery that will do it.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • rickstephenrick replied

    Thanks Maxime,

    I've decided NOT to use any additional 3rd party Elementor elements/widget plugins, so I will NOT add any of those to the Sonaar theme.  I've installed the Magnetic theme on a staging copy of my site and after spending the day exploring this theme, I think it can be modified enough to get the slightly personalized look I want.  It's just taking me some time to learn it.

    However, I will install the theme on my real site tomorrow, and I will test and re-install the following plugins.  These are quite important and deal with SEO, spam, and Cookies.  Do you know of any problem with these WP plugins; they are very popular:

    Jetpack   by Automatic

    Antispam   by Aksimet

    Cookiebot   by Cybot A/S

    MonsterInsights Pro  by MonsterInsights

    Yoast SEO   by Team Yoast

    Wordfence   by Wordfence

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    You should not use the plugin JetPack by Automatic. See reason here: https://oldtownmediainc.com/dont-use-jetpack/ and here https://toolbarextras.com/reasons-why-you-should-not-use-jetpack/

    for the other plugins, we have not tested them all but you should be fine


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • rickstephenrick replied

    Merci Maxime

    Is there any guidance or recommendation you can make about which plug ins to avoid?

    I've decided to use a free blog post filter plugin WPBeginner recommends called Search and Filter by Design & Code

    Generally, do I just activate and test for issues?  I think that's the best we can always do.

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Unfortunately, since there are over 40 000 plugins out there, we cant test them all so yeah, just activate them, test and if it does not work, try another plugin


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew