  Public Ticket #2395852
Essential grid and past events


  • Ilias Chaumont started the conversation


    I want to display an essential grid with future AND past events. I correctly see the events in the future, but not in the past.

    I want to use the essential grid (and not the event & gigs widget) because I want to use one of the templates of essential grid to display pictures for each event.

    I can see the past events in the preview mode and edit mode in elementor, but when I publish the changes and load the page, IĀ don't see the past events.

    I can see the coming events in preview mode AND when I'm visiting the page after publishing.

    The event & gigs widget works well and can display past events.

    How could I make the grid to display past events please ?


  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Unfortunately, its not possible to show EssentialĀ Grid with past events. You can only use the Event List widget to show past events.Im sorry


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew