  Public Ticket #2435967
Music Player colors


  • Chris Peaslee started the conversation

    When trying to change the color of the text in the Call-to-Action Buttons in the media player that pops up in the footer, I can't seem to locate where to do that.

    In "Audio Players & Events Settings" under the "Music Player" tab, I changed the Player Background color because that was the only place it appeared to be the same, but when I did that it changed both the background of the player and the font color.


  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hello Chris, 

    If you are talking about those buttons https://d.pr/free/i/Qw2hCd
    You have to go to wp-admin>Audio player and Event setting
    And change the "label button" in the "sticky player" section


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Chris Peaslee replied

    Hi Alexandre!

    Something seems to be wrong here.  If you look at the attached image, I have changed the "Label and Button" color to a dark red and didn't get the results that I was expecting.

    In the attached image, I'm trying to change the text color of the word "download".

    Thank you!

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    OH! We are not talking about the same player. 
    You are using the podcast player.
    Please go to wp-admin>theme options>audio player and event settings>podcast player>button color


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Chris Peaslee replied


    This is still not correct.  FYI, there is no " wp-admin>theme options>audio player and event settings>podcast player>button color".

    Please look at my attached image again.  I'm talking about the footer player (yes podcast), not the in content podcast player.  Also, I'm talking about the TEXT of the CTA buttons.  I've had to add Custom CSS to make the change, but there should be an Option in the player screens to do this.

    Here is my custom CSS:

    /* Change CTA button text color */
    #sonaar-player.list-type-podcast .player .store .track-store li a, #sonaar-player .sr_speedRate div {
        color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Sorry for my mistake, 
    The button background color is provide by the wp-admin>Audio player & Events Setting>Music Player>Sticky Player>Featured Color
    And the button text color is the same as the background



    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Chris Peaslee replied


    You seem to keep missing my question.  I'm looking to change the TEXT of the CTA button in the footer podcast playing, not the background of the button.

    Thank you

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hello Chis,
    I have mentioned in my last post, the text color is the same color from the player background. That why the arrow pointed to this setting on this screenshot. But you right, maybe we should add a specific setting for this option. For now, the css solution you did is the best way to do exactly what we want.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew