  Public Ticket #2437418
Music grid Boxed


  • Matthew Bertrand started the conversation


    I went on my site today and for some reason my "music grid Boxed" on my "Music" page is no longer visible. It just shows up black. And shows none of the playlists.

    I went into Elementor for that page and as you can see in attached image it just appears as a grey box. I tried to switch it to other essential grids that you have and most of them are also not working anymore. They still work on other pages however.

    I have tried to deactivate all my plugins on the website in case it was a conflict and turn on one by one and this has not worked. I tried deactivating even Elementor & Essential Grid and then turning them back on. This did not work. 

    I also tried to add grids to new pages and it does not work just shows up blank. 

    The page was working last night when I worked on site so I contacted go daddy and restored the site to a save from 10 pm last night (This is my oldest back up). This also did not fix the problem. (Link to test site from 10 pm last night http://test1.rbmediahub.com/fix2/music/)

    I am pretty sure it was working yesterday night when I stopped working because I went into site on mobile to look at all the pages to see if I needed to fix any today.

    This morning you gave me custom css for header I did not put it in yet so it can not be the problem. 

    The only other thing I did was compress images with a plugin but once deactivated it should not effect essential grid and this was today after my backup from Go-daddy last night so it should not have affected that restored test site. 

    I also noticed that when I go on my playlists individual pages all the images are gone of the playlists.

    One of the playlists is even playing the wrong song despite the right song being in the back end.  http://test1.rbmediahub.com/playlist/frank-panik-break-me-down/

    I don't know what to try anymore please help I was planning on publishing the site today because it was all done and working and today no clue what I did to break or why it is all messed up :(.

    Any help is appreciate.  I can give you login to site or godaddy or phone number to reach me or anything that can help.

    Thank you

  • Matthew Bertrand replied

    Voila a few more images

  • Matthew Bertrand replied

    I figured out why the wrong song is playing. it is because I used - i n the title's. 

    All the rest I have not figured out. 

  • Matthew Bertrand replied


    I fixed the Music boxed grid not showing up. 

    I went into the ESS.Grid in the wordpress panel clicked settings then refreshed with the buttons on the left and saved and now it works.

    Only thing now is the image of the playlists not showing up when you go on a playlist pages them selves. 

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    My guess is that you are using a cache plugin or lazy load plugin, etc.. 

    It looks like a JavaScript conflict.

    Could you try something for me? Please deactivate all your plugins except Elementor Sonaar Addon, Elementor, Essential Grid and Revolution Slider then see if the issue persists. If not, please reactivate your plugins one by one and see which plugin can cause the conflict.

    Tell me how it goes.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Matthew Bertrand replied

    Hey did what you said and did not work. sill no image showing on the playlists pages 

  •   Max replied privately
  •   Matthew Bertrand replied privately
  •  1,115
    Max replied

    If you want the album cover of your album, make sure to use the template  'album with side cover' see screenshot: https://d.pr/i/cKa2ym


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •  1,115
  •  1,115
    Max replied

    By the way, nice website and nice beat!

    Sonaar vient de Montréal! Produit 100% québecois.



    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Matthew Bertrand replied
    Oui, j'ai réalisé avec l'accent dans certaines de vos vidéos tutuoriales. :P 
    Nous sommes un mélange d'artistes français et anglais basé à Montréal. 
    Heureux de travailler avec une entreprise locale et si jamais nous pouvons faire plus pour travailler avec vous, nous serions heureux de le faire! 
    Vous faites des très beaux thèmes pour les musiciens!