  Public Ticket #2457770
Mi logo no se muestra


  • Jose started the conversation

    Buenos dias,

    he configurado los diferentes logos pero no se muestran en la página. Si embargo, si con el cursor hago boton derecho sobre el error y pulso "abrir imagen en nueva ventana" si la abre.

    ¿Como puedo hacer para que se muestre correctamente?

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hello Jose,

    Please go to wp-admin>settings>general
    And be sure both address here https://d.pr/i/I0BYqx are set with the HTTPS.
    When it is done, and if the issue persists, please go to wp-admin>theme options>logo
    And reselect each logos.
    If the issue still persists, please provide a login credential to the wp-admin.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Jose replied

    Hi again! thanks for your answer. I did it but its the same... with four info i found the problem.

    If i see my page without the "s" of http: http://originalsound.club/artist/marin-hoxha/ the logo is OK, but with http: https://originalsound.club/artist/marin-hoxha/ i see the error. And it happens in PC mode. In mobile its no problem.

    Any idea?

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Please check with your hosting provider to force http to redirect to https automatically.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew