  Public Ticket #2478107
Syntax for eliminating latest Podcast in Podcast Archive


  • Michael Kammes started the conversation


    When using the Podcrafter theme, and the Sonaar Podcast Archive widget in Elementor, is there any syntax/code to show all podcast archives *but* the latest one?

    I will be making the latest podcast episode visible in a larger podcast archive widget.

    Edit: To be clear, this is the Sonaar Podcast Archive Widget that has the "Sonaar" logo sideways and on the left of the Widget icon- not the Sonaar Podcast Archive widget that has a Wordpress logo.


  • Michael Kammes replied

    The Widget at the bottom of the image.

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hi Michael,

    Im a bit confused by your sentence: "show all podcast archives *but* the latest one?"

    (Sorry im french-native speaker..).

    What I understand is you want to show all podcast archives from the newest to the oldest. This should already be working and you are using the correct widget for this..Can you please elaborate on how to reproduce your issue on my end?


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Michael Kammes replied


    I'll try and explain better:

    Podcast archive will list as many episodes as I'd like. I want to show every episode except the latest (newest) episode. To explain it differently, I want to show only old episodes, not the newest one.

    Does that help?


  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Yes, I understand now.

    Unfortunately, that is not currently possible. I will add this to our roadmap and if we receive more user request about it, we will add this feature to our theme for sure.

    If you dont want to wait and really need this feature, you can hire one of our developer to develop this for you. It would takes around 2 hours of development. https://sonaar.io/service/website-customization-service/


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Michael Kammes replied

    Thank you.

    Would it be possible to set logic, such as creating a new podcast category named "LATEST", in addition to the main Podcast category called "5THINGS". Then I add the LATEST category and the 5THINGS category to the latest (newest) video.

    I then set the Podcast Archive widget to only display Podcasts with the 5THINGS category tag, and thus not showing the LATEST category. Does that work, or is there no logic in the widget?

    Thanks again.

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Yes, that might work. have you tried it?


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Michael Kammes replied

    I tried, without much success. 

    Is there logic in the widget as it pertains to multiple categories? (and, or, etc).


  •  1,115
    Max replied

    well, if you have selected 2 different categories, it should display the podcast related to the categories selected.

    What categories have you selected and what is being displayed?


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Michael Kammes replied

    It seems the widget doesn't have any logic - it will show whatever categories are entered into the widget, not only podcasts that have BOTH categories.

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    If you have entered 2 different categories in the widget, it will displays all the posts from these 2 categories. Here a screenshot https://d.pr/i/ymOXyt

    It wont substract the items that are not in both categories..There are no exclude queries.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew