  Public Ticket #2496621
Content Not Found Error


  • Sabrina started the conversation

    I was working on adding in my data and customizing the podcastr theme on Wordpress.  I was on the page that is episodes list. I changed it to just say episodes and I changed the url to podcast and then i got an error.  Now the page is different, it points to a different kind of episodes page so im thinking maybe another page was already named that and it overwrote it, but im not sure what happened? The Episode tab on the website uses what looks like the three column episodes format grid.  How do I get the original layout that was on the episodes-list page. 

    Received this error trying to edit the page - sorry content for this area not found


  •  1,115
    Max replied

    The slug podcast is reserved to the WordPress custom post type podcast. you cannot use that slug.

    Perhaps rename it to something like the-podcast


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Sabrina replied

    Ok that worked thanks!