  Public Ticket #2503654
Overriding Classic Menu JS


  • Dan Ahrendt started the conversation

    I am working with the Sonaar theme Classic Menu and having a hard time overriding the JS for this in order to make my own changes.

    The enqueuing for the script in question looks like this in your theme:

    "wp_enqueue_script('iron-classic-menu', get_template_directory_uri().'/classic-menu/js/classic.min.js', array('iron-main'), SR_MASTER_VERSION, true );"

    If you were to override this, first dequeueing the script and then enqueueing another from a child theme in your child theme's functions.php, how would you do this?

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hello Dan, 

    You are taking a path far beyond the scope of our support. 
    I have never try myself to dequeue a script in the child theme. 
    I think you will find easily the right way to do this on google, but my worries is more about what you will do with this. I mean the classic.js script is a important file. 


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Dan Ahrendt replied

    Ok so there's no developer support for those who purchased your theme. That's very disappointing,

  • Dan Ahrendt replied

    By saying I might find the right way to do this via Google implies you might not receive requests for assistance from developers very much in terms of their work with your theme, because that's what I spent the last 2 hours doing, as per usual with things that don't initially work in software development. 

    The reason I would be asking y'all, the developers of said theme, for assistance in doing something that is relatively easy typically when it comes to WP parent and child themes is because, for whatever reason in your themes dependency chain, I am not able to execute this regularly simple process, which is a problem. If developers can't easily override parent theme scripts for their child themes, then that limits one of the strengths of working with WP as a whole. 

    Frankly, it's frustrating as developer that I am unable to override a JS file that does such things as prepending frontend elements after load to specific areas, meaning even if I override your templates for a child theme, I won't be able to make sure that important items such as the, uh, logo of the site go where I want them. Instead, I have to rely on more JS hacking to make things do what I want.

    Lastly, it would be understandable if you and your support literally never got seemingly basic asks like this from developers for you to reply as such, which seems to just imply I don't know what I'm doing.

    Is there anyone else on your team I can talk to that might be more technically minded? If not, never mind, I'll deal.

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hello Dan, 

    I understand your point. Seriously we really appreciate to help our customers to push our product to another level, but the thing with customization request is sometime they never end. We have to limit the scope of our support otherwise will couldnt offer a good service. 

    I already know some files from our theme are almost impossible to customize in a child theme. I cant tell for now about dequeuering the classic.min.js. I heard you and you right. This is something we should look. But this is not our priority right now, and I feel you have enough knowledge to do it or at least understand what is going wrong before we find time to investigate. 

    No other developer are available right now. In fact, I m alone this week. Vacations time! 

    I hope you understand. 


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew