  Public Ticket #2505057
One Playlist Across Site


  • Dan Ahrendt started the conversation

    Is there a straight forward way to have one playlist for the Audio Player across a site? Have the audio player enabled constantly with one playlist preloaded?

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hello Dan, 

    We are talking about the sonaar theme or the mp3 audioplayer plugin?
    May I have your url?


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Dan Ahrendt replied

    This was regarding the Sonaar theme, but I figured a way myself. Thanks anyway.

  • Sandrine GERMAIN replied

    Can you explain how you did it? I have the same issue.

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hello Sandrine,

    If you want to have music non-stop throught all your pages, make sure you are using our Sonaar Theme (not only our plugin). and edit your homepage and select which playlist to load in the Display Music Player in the Footer: See screenshot: https://d.pr/i/cPD6xG

    If you are using our stand-alone plugin (Not our theme), you wont be able to have music non-stop. However, you can set a playlist that will load on every pages by going to wp-admin > MP3 Player > Settings. See screenshot: https://d.pr/i/nXn8Iv


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Dan Ahrendt replied

    My "solution" isn't exactly what I was after but it's only a logistical difference from what Maxime said. 

    Using ACF Pro, I created a theme options page of my own, and set a specific playlist. Then I actually moved the audio player to the header to be continuously visible and in the header template (cause thats visually what I wanted) and used "update_field" to unset any pages assigned playlist and reassign my desired global playlist.

    This isn't perfect as it's more of just a way to quickly reinforce which playlist is associated to all pages instead of going into each individually to set them all to one playlist. Also, if you want to revert this, I'd have to go ahead and turn off my functionality (attached to a child theme, could also make another ACF toggle) and then manually reassign whatever pages to whatever playlist. However, this does save time if my desire is to have one global playlist around the site be reinforced without my thinking about it.

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Dan's solution is for the Theme, not the plugin that Sandrine is using.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Sandrine GERMAIN replied

    I just realized that I could have different playlists on pages, posts, etc.... and actually, I really like it.

    Maybe you shall develop a plugin to convert any template into Ajax for the sticky player. That would be useful.

    It's a beautiful plugin. Thank you.

  • Fanny replied

    Hi ! I agree with Sandrine.

    Not to mention that I subscribed to the audio plugin in the belief that the sticky player was continuous (I don't think that your website say at any time that it is not).

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    We have release an update last week that allows you to use the player with continuous audio playback via Cookies Session ! To enable continuous audio playback, make sure you are using latest version of the pro version and go to WP-Admin > MP3 Player > Settings and enable Continuous Audio Playback.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Fanny replied

    That's a great new !!

    I think I use the latest version ; actually the player loads with a new page, the variables are good (track, time, etc.) but the track is interrupted when the new page loads, just as if the user clicks on 'stop'... 

    Something may be missing ? Thanks !

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Which browser are you using? 


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Fanny replied

    Firefox. You do well to ask me because it works fine on Chrome (I did not think to check) ...

    I have already deactivate Ublock Origin. So it comes from the browser ?

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Firefox dont allow autoplay unless user specify to allow auto-play. see this article: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/block-autoplay

    The auto-play policy is set at the browser level so we cannot control this setting from a script-side.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Fanny replied

    Ok !

    Thanks for your quick replies.