  Public Ticket #2516701
Badge in Music Grid (Conditional Statements)


  • Tim started the conversation

    Hi, I would like to display upcoming releases in the music grid and need a badge, in relation to the future release date (Coming soon). Can be done with the release date field (future -> show badge) or with custom field ("is preview"). Is there a way to implement this? Additional I want to disable the link to the single release page  for this future releases.



  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Unfortunately I dont really know how would I do it except by coding a new php script with PHP, JS and CSS to do that.

    But its not a easy thing..For custom works, we strongly recommend these guys: WP Kraken

    To disable the link to the single release page, ONLY for future releases, I dont think Essential Grid offer a feature where you can conditionnaly show/hide elements depending the post's state.

    To learn more about Essential Grid, here's the full documentation: https://www.themepunch.com/essgrid-doc/essential-grid-documentation/


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Tim replied

    ok thank you