  Public Ticket #2528237
Events Posts - Where's The Excerpt?


  • Dan Ahrendt started the conversation

    Going through most of the themes custom post types, I can see that most of them have the "Excerpt" available as an attribute to edit in admin (Playlists, Videos, etc.) However, the "Event" post type doesn't seem to have it available to edit.

    I find this confusing because in the sonaar/includes/sonaar-music/includes/posttypes.php file, while setting up the "Events Post Type", the "excerpt" is included just fine in the 'supports' args on line 210.

    Is there something I'm not seeing or is there no way to set the excerpt for Events posts?

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hi Dan,

    currently even if the code say we support it, we are not using it on the front-end.

    That might be usefull however if you use third party plugins that use CPT + Excerpts.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew