  Public Ticket #2528267
screen full of html source code


  • Jan started the conversation


    Im facing an issue with the theme. when entering theme editor I get a screen full of html source code. normally refreshing page 2-3 times is helping to get rid of it. but that shouldnt be the solution..

    apart from that I recently installed a plugin called woof - products filter for woocommerce. when I try to access plugin settings I also get this screen full of html. problem is refresh doesnt help there.

    so I really would need a fix for this please urgently.

    by the way Im facing this issue for several areas in dashboard since beginning of theme install... I also disabled all my plugins one by one to see if it helps. it doesnt help.

    so it should it really come from the theme because problem excists even without any plugin.

    help regarding this matter as soon as possible would be much appreciated.

    Kind regards

  •   Jan replied privately
  •   Jan replied privately
  •  1,115
    Max replied


    Usually, this is due to a lack of server memory. The more plugins you use, the more memory ressource it takes.

    The new version of WP and Elementor takes a bit more of ressource than in the past..

    I recommend that you check with your web hosting to raise your memory/server ressources.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Jan replied

    the reasons you provided as a possible solution are highly unlikely.

    Im on a siteground grow big plan and this is the only site running on it.

    apart from that I mentioned already right from beginning that I face this problem already directly after theme install.... so you are saying on a grow big siteground plan with only url registered plus your theme installed Im facing server memory issues?

    I dont even wanna comment on your hints regarding WP and elementor......

    also we did a test with a free theme and everything was fine. it has definately to do with your theme.

  • Jan replied

    just did a fresh install of sonaar theme and everything works fine there.

    still weird my actual site doesnt face any problems when i activate a free theme instead.

    any further ideas would be appreciated.

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hi Jan,

    Sorry for the delay. Just for your info, we do not work on weekend. Support is answered between business hours from Monday to Friday 9ham to 6hpm. We are located in Canada (Timezone is UTC-4).

    Depending the theme you are using, it can takes more or less ressource. Probably that the free theme you were using is very light and does not include a lot of feature. Our themes includes 5 custom post types and a lot of theme options (that you can use in WP-Admin > Theme Options)

    But im a bit confused..You say that everything work fine but ask "any further ideas would be appreciated." Do you still need assistance? Are you still able to reproduce the issue? If you are able to reproduce the issue,  please provide me access to your wp-admin and I will gladly check the issue you have.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •   Jan replied privately
  •  1,115
    Max replied


    I can reproduce the issue 

    Do you have any errors in your error.log file on your server? Perhaps that you will have more specific details about that issue in the log file. Checking the error.log file would be the first thing i'd look at in your situation because it might gives you details about the exact cause of the issue.

    Also, you've said that it works fine on your local server..Do you have all the same 53 plugins activated on your local server? Im still pretty convinced that the issue is related with memory issue on your server. I have seen this in the past and everytime it was caused by a lack of server memory VS number of plugins loaded.

    Have you checked with Siteground what are their thought about this case?



    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Jan replied

    please why do you think its still memory? I have 768M and I disabled all other plugins to give it a try. the issue is still there..

    memory doesnt make sense at all to me..

    definately error log got checked and not only by me...

  • Jan replied

    actually told you already right from start that I disabled all my plugins and I still face this issue so how can it be memory when its just one plugin to load?

    apart from that kindly remove my url from your post...

  • Jan replied

    you can definately know that before I come here I try every other possible way to get help. because of my experience here.

    everyone is saying its the theme.... can you please try to think of a solution apart from memory?

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hi Jan,

    Im doing my best to help you. Please note that I dont know you and every person have different skills so I dont know what you've tried, and what you've not.

    Since your website is currently live, I dont want to debug on your site (and I cannot replicate the issue on my local environement neither).

    Could you please provide me a staging server with the exact same environment so i can run some testing?


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Jan replied


    I really appreciate your effort but memory does not seem to be the real problem. siteground recently increased memory to 512M for WP which helped me to get rid of the theme editor error. at least it is not showing on regular basis anymore though I still get it from time to time.

    but like I said my real problem is the same error with WOOF – Products Filter for WooCommerce. there is no improvement at all after increasing memory. its just not possible to access settings of the plugin even when its the only plugin being activated.

    and siteground also suggested it is theme related. two support members have been on my site on different days and they both suggested theme. 

    another expert I asked for help has the same opinion about it. But even if it has nothing to do with the theme like you say I'd  be real thankful if you can help me to get the plugin running... there should actually be a solution for this common plugin

    have a good weekend...

    and thanks for everything so far.

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    I have installed the WOOF Products Filter for WooCommerce on my local environment with a couple of WC products and I can fully access to settings.

    I have checked the reviews, ratings and support thread of that plugin and a lot of people complain that the more product you have, the more slow the plugin comes and some people reported Error 504 as well. Ex: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/error-504-3/

    The plugin have some poor reviews and confirms that this plugin is nice, but poorly coded and takes a lot of ressource when having more than 2-3 products.

    Check directly with the author of that plugin please as I dont know whats wrong with that plugin.

    And if you are wondering why its working with other free theme and not with our theme, thats probably because your free theme take a bit less ressource than our theme (but you are quiet borderline in ressource) and when you use our theme, you just exceeed allocated ressource.

    see some interesting discussion about this issue on the plugin's forum: https://codecanyon.net/item/woof-woocommerce-products-filter/11498469/comments?utf8=%E2%9C%93&term=memory&from_buyers_and_authors_only=0&order_by=relevance

    From there, I cant take the lead anymore. check with the author of that plugin directly.

    Good luck,


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Jan replied

    its not only the plugin.. I get this error on a general basis in all woocomerce tabs... now please dont tell me woocommerce is a plugin with so many flaws...

    if this problem would be only woocommerce related and not related to theme it would have been updated already.. pretty sure of that...

    this woof plugin is kind of an add on for woocommerce but the root of the problem lays in woocommerce combined with sonaar theme.......

  • Jan replied

    I even get this error when dragging a parent category with sub categories within product tab... the problem is not the plugin.. its more than obvious.

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Ok, im sorry Jan, 

    You run a website with 53 plugins! Man, its like running a computer with 53 software opened at the same time. To be honest, I have see a lot of website with different setup in my life, and it's the first I see a website with so many plugin activated at the same time.

    Thats the issue. You run too much thing extension/code at the same time and your server just cant take it. Proof? Activate only like 4-5 plugins that does not work right now and NOTHING else. you wont have the code showing up issue.

    What im telling you is that the number of activated plugins takes resssources and your server times out at some point when loading a page.

    You say: "if this problem would be only woocommerce related and not related to theme it would have been updated already.. pretty sure of that..."

    My answer to this is: "It wont necessarely be updated. It's like you are using so many softwares at the same time than some of your software are crashing and you are awaiting for a software update to fix that issue. Yes, software can be optimized at some point, but if you want to run a lot of thing at the same time without slowing down/crashing your PC, the best bet would be to get a professional PC with a lot of ram and ressources".

    Its exactly why it exists very premium hosting that are more expensive than others. Here, for some of our clients (not related with Sonaar), we run some of them on dedicated 4-Core VPS + 8GB of Ram + SSD hard drive because we know that the more code/ressource we use, the high server the machine has to be. https://www.cloudways.com/en/pricing.php#digitalocean
    We are not like waiting for a software or extension to update because our server/app crash at some point. We have the right server that takes the correct amount of SQL request.

    You have 2 options here:

    1) If you want to keep the same amount of plugins (which I strongly not recommend), you can switch for a better/more high-end server. Check out cloudways.com they have great servers.

    2) You reduce the numbers of plugins


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Jan replied

    Ok what you are doing here is highly questionable.

    first of all why do you keep on coming up with reasons that got already tested long time ago? I mentioned already from beginning that all plugins were removed except woocommerce and woof but the problem still excists...

    And Im not sure if you have been on enough sites to understand the structure of a multisite based on your latest statement. those 51 plugins dont get loaded for this one site. so for me honestly this seems just like another excuse to outsource the issue. Besides that there is actually nothing special even if it would be up to 50... I dont see the point anyways. But its not the case so completely senseless you come up with this.

    apart from that I told you already more than once that I face this issue since beginning of theme install... at that point it had only your plugins imported... 3 siteground support members said its theme related and one other expert is also saying it. siteground even upgraded temporary and the error is still there. what you are sayin is more than unrealistic and I dont even understand why you are not even trying to solve this issue by troubleshooting the theme...

    the site was never live so I dont understand why you couldnt do further testings...

    by the way your comparison with the hardware system is nice but even on an high-end system you can actually uninstall software to check if there is a conflict with another software^^ (side effect is also less ram). And if that doesnt help you also CAN check the operating system, more likely the theme in your great example.

    now to transfer it to the actual problem, because it has actually nothing to do with what I face....... server related issue was tested long time ago and can be excluded! Apart from that server load is actually not about quantity of plugins..... your part would have actually been to troubleshoot the theme like any other theme dev would do.. I really dont understand why you treat customers the way you do^^

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    In order to do proper testing, please provide me acess to :

    - WordPress dashboard

    - FTP Access

    - Cpanel access

    I will then investigate more on the issue


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Jan replied

    just dropping by to let you know that I did a theme change just because of your behaviour not even trying to find a solution for a theme related issue. 

    I had to hire another theme dev to get a fix for this issue and I got told that I cannot update the theme anymore. since you are not aware of the issue and with every update the problem would occur again... unbelievable you did not even check it properly... 

    actually I was forced to go for another theme because of this... but the final intention to go for a change was clearly your reply which was way over the top. you should really not treat customers that way and come up with a bunch of senseless stuff just because you think you can outsource the issue like that...

    Kind regards

  • Jan replied

    by the way took me like 100$ to fix the issue although it could be handled differently.. anyways Im on a new theme now for like 2-3 months already. 

    but what a waste of money that was...

  • Jan replied

    will definately consider writing a review about it... apart from the money, lots of work setting up both sites and the one with your theme was for nothing...

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    What are you talking about. See reply below. I was asking access to your site so I can investigate on it and you reply me this? I'm very very confused why you reply this while I'm kindly ask access so I can the issue for you. 

    My answer is clearly showing up below.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Jan replied

    just to correct you before I wont have access here anymore.. you did not ask kindly. I was talking about your previous reply where you had an outburst about 50 plugins on a multi site. you compared it with running a computer with this amount of software opened at the same time which was ridicolous.

    just to make it clear. it was obvious that the quantity of plugins on the site had nothing to do with the issue and I dont feel like convincing you everytime I have a theme related problem in future.

    apart from that I dont need anybody to check my site who has never seen a site with 50 plugins. that was really shocking. besides it was a multi site where not all plugins get loaded on both sites. which makes your example with the computer even more hilarious.

    dont even feel like spending my time or money on trouleshooting a theme related problem. moreover convincing the support of it... 

    take it as an advice of how to deal with paying customers in future...