  Public Ticket #2539951
Problems with adding Language Switcher to Main Menu


  • Chris started the conversation

    Dear all, I purchased your template full pack few days ago. I installed the skullz template demo content, I got elementor pro, polylang and the elementor-to-polylang connector to be able to translate all my pages. Everything works well, except the adding of the polylang language switcher to my main menu.  I guess I need to modify the header for this, but I could not find any entrance to this.

    Thank you,

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Chris, 
    A widget area is available for this. 
    Please go to wp-admin>appearace>widget
    And add the language switcher widget into the default language widget area


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Chris replied

    Thanks a lot, Alexandre! Another question, would it be possible to place the switcher at the very top of the page in both views, normal and responsive? We have quite some menue points as well as 4 languages, and I saw it gets really sticky in the menue area.

    EDIT: Is there also a way to associate a language with the events?

    Thank you, awesome support!

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Chris,

    If you think something is wrong with our theme, we will fix this, but otherwise, no option are available to move the language selector. 

    As you already have elementor Pro, maybe you should built your own header as you want.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew