  Public Ticket #2540218
Menus not displaying correctly


  • Denon started the conversation


    I just started with your themes. However, I've now worked with two different themes and a common issue is happening where the main menu shows up at the top of the page but there is no styling applied to them at all. 

    I am running the Sonaar them with Elementor. This also happened with sound rise when I had installed it as well. In both instances I have downloaded and installed the sample website files. 

    What do I need to look for in order to correct this? 

  •  1,103
    Max replied


    I cant replicate this issue when i go on your website: https://d.pr/i/JVbsA0

    However, what you describe seems related to your SSL certificate OR CDN. You can check more details about this issue by checking your Google Chrome console. 

    Try to install the plugin Really Simple SSL to fix any SSL issue, or deactivate your CDN to fix CDN issue.

    Tell me if it works.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew