  Public Ticket #2586874
Essential Grid not working with Continuous Music Player After Recent Update


  • Tom started the conversation

    Hi, I updated to the latest version of the theme and installed the required plugin updates. A new problem started after the update:

    It seems with the continuous music player enabled, if you click on a new page containing essential grid, essential grid doesn't load on first load. I am using the Sonaar Essential grid plugin. If I use the non-Sonaar essential grid plugin, essential grid will load but cause the music player to stop.

    Can you look into this please? You can test it on my website if you go to https://currentsound.com and then click the gallery page.

    If you refresh the browser on the gallery page, essential grid will open.

    I updated the theme, Sonaar plugins, updated elementor, and cleared the varnish cache in my cache plugin.

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    Could you please provide me access to your wp-admin and I will gladly check the issue you have.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •   Tom replied privately
  •  1,115
    Max replied


    It looks like a JavaScript conflict from one of your third party plugins which prevent the ajax loading to load scripts correctly.

    Please deactivate all your plugins except Elementor Sonaar Addon, Elementor, Essential Grid and Revolution Slider then see if the issue persists. If not, please reactivate your plugins one by one and see which plugin can cause the conflict.

    Tell me how it goes.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Tom replied

    I found the plugin that is causing the issue, however, it was not causing an issue prior to the update.

    It is the Cloudways official Wordpress Caching plugin, Breeze.

    I've been running it for about a 18 months with your theme without any issues prior to the recent update. I've purged the varnish cache multiple times but the issue persists. 

    Is there a way to resolve this issue without disabling the Breeze caching plugin?

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    What I have noticed is that your cdn causing problem. When we disable it: https://d.pr/i/yZLmX4 it works.

    I recommend you leave this option disable, or your turn off ajax page loading so the theme loads like any other themes (without ajax). You can turn off ajax in wp-admin > theme options > general settings.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Tom replied

    I see. I guess neither is a good option. I might see if there is some sort of other 3rd party gallery plugin that will work.

    What is frustrating is that Essential Grid was working perfectly fine with the CDN enabled prior to the recent theme update.

    I might see if I can somehow revert Essential Grid back to the previous version and see if it starts working again? I have a backup of the website's previous state. I could probably delete Essential Grid and install the old version but I'm not sure if it will be compatible with the new theme update or not. I noticed Instagram still doesn't seem to work with the new essential grid update that was supposed to fix that issue anyway.

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    I don't recommend you rollback to old version of Ess grid and I don't think it used to work either with the old version (some people reported Ess grid issue many month before the updates). 

    For instagram, it works fine. Nobody reported any issues with the new version of Ess grid and instagram. 

    Make sure to have generated correctly the Facebook/instagram API key and its allowed only on your server ip. Check Facebook dev support for help with the API's. 


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Tom replied

    Ok thanks for your help.

    I actually tried rolling it back before I received your message. Although I was able to roll the plugin back to version 2.3, it wouldn't let me activate it anyway stating incompatibility issues with the theme. I believe it was working with the CDN for me prior to the update. I loaded the website up in person for clients in other studios/business and I had no problem loading the gallery page with essential grid while the music was playing. It might have stopped working a while ago, I don't know but it was definitely working at the start of the year with the CDN enabled.

    I haven't tried to go into in depth detail with trying to get the new version of essential grid working with Instagram again, maybe it is an API issue as you say.

    What is interesting is that there is a gallery on two of my pages that seem to be compatible with the CDN and the continuous music player that I just did in Elementor without using essential grid. It's not as pretty but it might be a better option given that I have about 4k monthly readers on the blog from around the world so I want the CDN for them. Everyone seems to love the continuous music player so I don't want to scrap it but site load speed is a concern. I think looking into alternatives to Essential Grid is probably my best option at this point.

    Other than the gallery in Elementor Pro, do you know of any other gallery plugins that might be compatible with the continuous audio player? If so, I can test them to see if they work with the CDN on?

    Another thing I noticed recently. It seems the Auto-Play music playlist doesn't work in Chrome anymore but it works in Edge still.

  • Tom replied

    Update: Ok, so for now I've replaced Essential Grid with Slides plugin inside of Elementor. The continuous music player and CDN are both working at the same time with the gallery in the Slides widget.

    So the conflict seems to be with Essential Grid update, the continuous music player and the CDN. Not with gallery plugins in general and the continuous music player and CDN.

    Although Essential Grid is more pretty than the Slides plugins, for me, it's not worth having to disable the CDN or continuous music player for.

    If the compatibility issue is now with Essential Grid and the CDN, not with Essential Grid and the continuous music player in the theme, I guess I should probably look into finding an Instagram Gallery Plugin that works with the CDN and the theme if one exists? That way I can loose dependence on this Essential Grid Plugin that has started to cause me problems.

  • Tom replied


    My workaround. Removed Essential Grid from the website.

    Replaced with Meks Easy Photo Feed Widget for Instagram photo feed (free version) and the Slider widget in Elementor instead of Essential Grid for the Gallery page.

    CDN is enabled. Continuous music player is enabled. All seems to be working as far as I can tell.

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Great! have a good day Tom


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew