  Public Ticket #2615124
Essential grid filter


  • Nicolas started the conversation

    Hi guys, 

    Essential grid has recently updated their app and now in Nav-Filter-Sort
    they have an "available filters in group" function which is based on the keywords I had originally written. My problem is that I have a lot of doubles in my list, and if I delete the doubles they are coming back (ex: Orchestra)

    Maybe because I wrote the keywords sometimes with a capital letter, and sometimes not. I am not sure if it makes any difference because for the keyword "orchestra" it shows up 3 times, 2 times without capital letter and one with.

    It is not super annoying for now, but I just hope it's not a bug and that once I update to a later version of essential grid it will not screw all the new items I add to my list.

    Another thing super annoying is that I actually tried to correct a grammar mistake in one of the keywords, and now this one appears first on top in the list (see attachement "suspense"), it seems to ignore the alphabetical order set in the "Api/Javascript" (which is also annoying coz I cannot see the full line of the code because the scroll left right seems to be disabled)

    Let me know if you can help thanks! 

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    - I dont see any doubles in your list ? (nor from your screenshot and your website). I see Orchestra only 1 time.

    - I have removed the custom code in the API/Javascript. because now you can order the filters directly in the nav-filter-sort tab which you could not before the update. This fix the suspense item to be alone at the top.

    EDIT: I was wrong with the script..I kept it but I have modified the API/Javascript instead. now it works correctly. 


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Nicolas replied

    Hi Max, thank you!