  Public Ticket #2642181
WP dashboard is empty - no left side nav


  • Byron started the conversation

    Hi there

    My client just purchased the sonaar theme. He has give me his wordpress login. When I go to it, it has nothing in the navigation. Please see attached. 

    Do I need an administrator account? Could you please advise. 

    With thanks, 

    Byron Watson

  •  1,103
    Max replied

    Make sure you have administrator role. From what I see, you only have a subscriber role.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Byron replied

    Thank you. I'm aware that I need to be an administrator. How can this be changed when the current WP environment has no permissions, and no ability to amend?

  •  1,103
    Max replied

    Im closing this ticket as we already have discussed on messenger. this will avoid confusion and duplication.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew