  Public Ticket #2656771
External file storage


  • Dmitry Bychenko started the conversation


    We are using Pro version of your plugin. 
    We have about 400 MP3 files on our website, and see growing traffic.
    We are going to add more audio files and working on increasing traffic.

    We think one day we may hang the server, which is shared hosting.

    We are thinking about moving all MP3 files to external service, like it is suggested in your article: https://sonaar.ticksy.com/article/15845

    The question is which one to choose.
    We want to rent one of the suitable services.
    It should be simple to implement and be cheap.

    We just need to store mp3 files on it, be able to copy link to each file and paste it in sonaar player. That's it, nothing more needed.  

    As far as I understand some of mentioned serviced are a software to be installed on our local server. Is this correct?

    SoundCloud Podcasts service looks OK for us: https://checkout.soundcloud.com/pro
    Can you specify, which one we should use: Pro Unlimited ($12/month) or Repost ($2,5/month)?
    Will Repost work for us?

    Another option is to use one of these services: https://cloud.yandex.com/ or https://mcs.mail.ru/en/
    I guess this is something similar to Amazon S3..
    The question is how to get it working for us.
    Is it simple enough for non-techy guy to set it up?
    What are the general steps to set it up?

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    Unfortunately im not familiar with any of the service you mentioned above.

    In your case, I recommend Amazon S3 for total control.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew