I'm having issues with the sticky player for a specific page on my website. It works perfectly elsewhere, but for this page it has been inconsistent in playing and showing up at the bottom. This may be due to the longer (30 minute) mp3 files that are being referenced.
I'm having issues with the sticky player for a specific page on my website. It works perfectly elsewhere, but for this page it has been inconsistent in playing and showing up at the bottom. This may be due to the longer (30 minute) mp3 files that are being referenced.
Thanks in advance!
this seems a https issue.
Make sure that http://seanhagerty.com automatically redirect to your https
it works here : https://seanhagerty.com/podcasts
but not here: http://seanhagerty.com/podcasts
you can contact your web hosting provider to make correction for you
Max from the Sonaar.io Crew