  Public Ticket #2700827
Dynamic fileds in elementor


  • Mehdi started the conversation

    Hey everyone, I have a big problem.

    - I have elementor pro

    - wp user front end pro

    - Mp3 player Pro

    Actualy i just want that people can publish a post with a music in it on the front end of the site.  So i made custom fields (itried with Pods, then with ACF....) to ask for the upload of the track but impossible to find a way to display the track i upload in the post ! 

    I tried a lot of things to use the dynamic field, then each time someone publish a post, there i a track to listen. But i dont know the good way. I'm not so professionnal in this kind of stuff but i think i can make it maybe i forget something?

    Can somebody help me please? thank you !! :)

    Mehdi / Dyem

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    I never tried WP User front end pro sorry..

    but you can build a dynamic audio player by using our shortcode with specific attribute. By example:

    [sonaar_audioplayer feed="https://yourdomain.com/yoursong.mp3" sticky_player="true" hide_artwork="false" show_playlist="true" show_track_market="false" show_album_market="false"]

    For all shortcode attributes, read this article https://sonaar.ticksy.com/article/15282

    Basically, you will have to make the value of the attribute "feed" dynamic so it takes the field of WP User Frontend.

    If you want WP UserFrontend Pro display a player, you will have to use shortcode and not a elementor widget.

    Tell me if it works.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Mehdi replied

    Hey Max ! thank you (2 :) ) so much for help !

    It still doesnt wsork, here is the shortcode i put in elementor.

    `[sonaar_audioplayer feed="file_upload" sticky_player="true"]`

    But still not work

    The meta in WP User Frontend for upload is "file_upload".

    Have you got an idea?

    Here i can show you pics, what do you think about it ?

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    How can you pull acf field "file_upload" with WP User Frontend do you know ?

    file_upload within double quotes here is just recognized as a string..not as a ACF field.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Please check with WP User Frontend support how to use acf fields.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Mehdi replied

    Hi Max how are you.

    You know i'm a little beginner and french so it's complicated for to understand some things lol.

    When you talk about ACF, you talk about le Plugin ACF ou just custom fields genneraly?

    You dont use WP Frontend, how would you do to do that?

    I bought WPF and mp3 player and i can't do what i want it's so complicated lol.

    Is there an alternative? You tell me i can't put a value like the meta in the quotes? 

    How could a i make a meta become a string ?

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    Im sorry. ACF = Advanced Custom Field plugin

    You mentioned in your first comment that you used ACF to create custom fields.

    So what im saying is that you need to check with WPF, how to use these custom fields to finally output something like:

    [sonaar_audioplayer feed=YOUR-ACF-FIELD-GOES-HERE sticky_player="true" hide_artwork="false" show_playlist="true" show_track_market="false" show_album_market="false"]

    and replace YOUR-ACF-FIELD-GOES-HERE by your own value.

    check directly with WPF


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Mehdi replied

    Hey Max thanks for helping me 

    I disactived WP User Frond End and it still dosent work

    Imade custom fields in Pods extension. And i called the upload field"fichier_son" and puted the shortcode you told me :

    [sonaar_audioplayer feed=fichier_son sticky_player="true" hide_artwork="false" show_playlist="true" show_track_market="false" show_album_market="false"]

    But still doesnt work, have you got an idea?

    Do you want me to take a video of my screen?

    I send you screenshots but sorry they are in french :)

  • Mehdi replied

    Sorry miss 3 pictures

  • Mehdi replied

    I try with anoter plugin more simple :) a plugin that is for video ! IT WORKS !!! 

    But impossible to make mp3 Sonaar work reaaly !! isnt it a problem in the plugin?

    Strange isn it ?

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Could you please provide me access to your wp-admin and I will gladly check the issue you have.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •   Mehdi replied privately
  •  1,115
    Max replied


    I spent 30 minutes trying to figure it out.

    Please watch the video I have recorded: https://d.pr/v/RwzDgT

    I have set the shortcode to work with pods field and did an example with the field "titre de loeuvre".

    However, Elementor does not seems to read the podsfield when its a file upload field. You may have to check directly with Podfields support why Elementor does not show the file upload field as an option.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Mehdi replied

    Whouhou you work on a sunday ???

  • Mehdi replied

    Actually you can find the upload file with post by select the key "pods url" and it shows the uploaded files. 

    I think your screen is a 4k resolution so i can' see exactly the shortcode you wrote. 

    Can you write it here?

  • Mehdi replied

    Ok it's ok i find a way to read it i try and i tell you

  • Mehdi replied

    Still doesnt work : here is the shortcode i wrote (maybe it's not the same than in the video ) in the two fields of dynamics advanced settings

    [sonaar_audioplayer feed="****" current post trackID sticky_player="true" hide_artwork="false" show_playlist="true" show_track_market="false" show_album_market="false"]

    Is that it ?

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Before call should be: 

    [sonaar_audioplayer feed="

    after call should be: 

    " current post trackID sticky_player="true" hide_artwork="false" show_playlist="true" show_track_market="false" show_album_market="false"]


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Mehdi replied

    Arrffff i tried everything still doesnt work :( 

    Dont know what to do right now. 

    Can you tell me what i exactly have to write to Pods as message ?

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Dont use the player widget, use the shortcode

    and with the shortcode, the pods URL field is not shown. see screenshot: https://d.pr/i/Pemvx0

    please check with Pods author.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    or us ACF (Advanced Custom Fields)


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Mehdi replied

    Hey Max, How are you ?

    You tellin me that it could work with ACF? Do i uninstall Pods?

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    I never tried WP User Front end with ACF, sorry, i cant say..but it would be the same way to embed ACF field into shortcode with the before/after callback of the shortcode dynamic widget.  That how elementor work. see last video I sent you: https://d.pr/v/RwzDgT


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Mehdi replied

    Hi Max. I'm really confused. It's been since i bought the plugin that i try to display a track forme a post as you see. And i can't do it. I tried everything. Is it possible to ask for a refund ? i'm gonna try to find another audio player eveni if i reaaly like thois one

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    The problem is your configuration, not the plugin.

    If you wish to use upload field WITH elementor, you need to find a way to output the dynamic file within elementor.

    The problem is not the audio plugin, its the way you use the dynamic file.

    helping you to make all the links here is a bit beyond the scope of our support. However, we do offer a service to customize your website to your need. Learn more about this service here: https://sonaar.io/service/website-customization-service/

    Unfortunately we cant refund as the plugin is working.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Mehdi replied

    80$ per hour.... 


    thank you

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Yes, we are senior developers with a lot of WP experience. 


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew