  Public Ticket #2726559
Shuffle Mode Not Working


  • Robert started the conversation

    Hello. I have enabled shuffle mode on my playlist but for some reason the playlist isn't shuffling at all between page refreshes. I have turned on shuffle mode and turned it back off and turned it back on. Hasn't worked. Any ideas? Also sidetone: is there a way to display the track stats on the actual playlist and not just in the back end?

  •  674
    Alexandre replied

    Hello Robert, 
    Do you still talking about this site https://mikewavs.com/?
    Because I dont have the shuffle issue when I visit it. 
    If I go on the homepage. The player start. The shuffle mode works well. If I click on the next button, the next track will be random. 
    When I navigate to another page (as th About page), the current track will continue. Maybe That is what you are talking about, but this behaviour is what we want. 
    So the playing track conitnue to play, but the shuffle mode still is enable. If I click on next, the next track will be once again random.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Robert replied

    hey Alex. I’m referring to the main playlist that is located in the beat store of the website (Mikewavs.com) not the sticky audio player that . 

  •  674
    Alexandre replied

    Hello Robert, 

    Do you expect to see the track list here to be mixed ? The shuffle mode doesnt mix the track list display. The track order here will be the same with or without the shuffle mode enable. But when the shuffle is on, the next track to be playing is random. This is the same behavior as you can observe on Spotify. 


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew