  Public Ticket #2744560


  • Jan started the conversation

    Hello again, 

    I have another Question. This time it is about the MP3-Player-Plugin. 
    I would love to buy it, because i have another website, made with DIVI, where a player which does not stop by going to the next page would be very cool. 

    But the question is: Does it work with another Pagebuilder than Elementor ?

    Does the player generates the Custom Post types Album, Podcast, when installed ?

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Yes it works with any themes, any builder. you will have to use the shortcode and its attributes instead of the Elementor widget.

    The player will generate a playlist custom post type. It wont generate a podcast post type.

    Please watch this video tutorial to get started with our MP3 Player https://sonaar.ticksy.com/article/15282


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Jan replied

    Thanks for the Link.
    What is the diffents between the player Plugin an the one used in sonaar theme ?

    Here is are two little suggestions, which could be very nice for the Sonaar theme, and the player as well.
    The First suggestion is a Custom Post Type "Song" Which could have Fields for Lyrics, Release-Date and so on. Which could be than sorted in the Playlist, but also could be used as single post.

    The Second Suggestion is a Fan-Site Theme for Sonar. For people who want to show there Love to a musician.

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    You can compare the difference between free and pro version here https://sonaar.io/free-mp3-music-player-plugin-for-wordpress/#comparison

    Creating a custom post type is pretty easy. just use this plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-post-type-ui/

    and use ACF to create custom field in it.

    and use Elementor Pro to design the front-end and pickup your custom fields you have created.

    For the fan site, thanks for the suggestion its a great idea! I will pass this to our marketing team!


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Jan replied

    And of course a Divi-Module for the Pro-Player would be realy nice.

    Because Divi has a Backend-Editior, which Elementor does not have. And that is sometimes very useful when it comes to Structure and those things of a webpage which does not directly have to do with the design. But this my personal opinion.

    When it comes to elementor Pro, this is a yearly subscription. And there is no livetime option. For me, this is inaceptable. If i subscribe, and make a website, and after a year my site does not work anymore because i didn´t payed the subscription. No !

    Another question, does your company offers any other themes than sonaar ?

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    We also work on a subscription model where you pay yearly to get access to updates and support. We also have a lifetime membership if you are interested which is more expensive obviously.

    We dont offer other themes than Sonaar.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Jan replied

    I have my lifetime Membership of sonaar, and if i buy the mp3-player plugin i will also buy the livetime membership of it.
    This is what your company makes different from the elementor company. YOU give the customer the choice, wether to rent it yearly or to pay more and buy it. Elemetor Pro does not offer any lifetime model.

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    That's great Jan! 

    Please note that we might remove the lifetime membership for future customers, as selling lifetime membership is not really sustainable in the long run as a business. 

    It's just to much work maintaining, updating and adding new features for "free", for lifetime! As a customer, that's great, but in the long-term run, I don't know any businesses that survived with selling lifetime. At the end, those customers are penalized. 

    That's why Elementor does not offer lifetime. 

    Anyway, lucky you that you got the lifetime already while we have it! 


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew